Immunisation for pregnancy

Find out about immunisation for women who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy.

If you are looking for information about pregnancy and COVID-19 vaccines, please visit the COVID-19 vaccination page.

Immunisation before pregnancy

If you are planning to have a baby, try to have your routine vaccinations up to date before you become pregnant.

Book an appointment to speak with your health professional. They may order a blood test to check your immunity to some diseases (including rubella, chickenpox and hepatitis B) to see if you are protected. Based on the results, your health professional may recommend some vaccines.

Immunisation during pregnancy

Some infectious diseases can cause serious harm to pregnant women or their unborn babies.

You can get the influenza, whooping cough (pertussis) and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccines for free while you are pregnant through the National Immunisation Program (NIP).

You can safely have the NIP influenza, whooping cough and maternal RSV vaccine in the same visit as recommended by your health professional. 

COVID-19 vaccines can also be given at the same time as NIP maternal vaccines if your health professional recommends it. 

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) vaccine

The maternal RSV vaccine is recommended for women at 28 to 36 weeks of pregnancy to protect their baby against serious illness from RSV. Vaccination during pregnancy is the best way to protect your baby from birth against RSV and serious complications.

  • RSV is a common virus that can cause a range of severe respiratory illnesses such as bronchiolitis and pneumonia in babies.
  • It is spread through droplets from an infected person’s cough or sneeze. The droplets can be inhaled by others or land on surfaces where the virus can live for several hours.
  • By having vaccinations during pregnancy, you transfer antibodies to your baby through the placenta. This protects them from birth and in their vulnerable early months.
  • Infant RSV immunisation products are available through State and Territory programs.

Find out more about RSV vaccine.

Influenza vaccine

The influenza vaccine is recommended for every pregnancy and at any stage of your pregnancy. It is the best way to protect both you and your baby from influenza.

  • Influenza can be a serious disease, especially when you are pregnant.
  • During pregnancy, the immune system is naturally weakened, which puts pregnant women at a greater risk of getting the influenza.
  • If you catch influenza, it can put you at a higher risk than other adults of complications and even lead to hospitalisation.
  • Babies under 6 months are too young to have the influenza vaccination. The best way to protect your newborn baby is to have the influenza vaccination during pregnancy. 

Find out more about the influenza vaccine.

Whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine

The whooping cough vaccine is recommended between 20 and 32 weeks of every pregnancy although it can be given up to the time of delivery. It is the best way to protect your baby from birth against whooping cough.

  • Whooping cough is a serious disease for babies and can be deadly.
  • When you are vaccinated, your antibodies transfer from you to your developing baby.
  • Babies will have some protection until they can have their first immunisations at six weeks of age.

Find out more about the whooping cough vaccine.

Sharing Knowledge About Immunisation

Sharing Knowledge About Immunisation (SKAI) aims to support conversations that community members have with healthcare professionals about vaccination to help you make a decision for you and your family.

See Getting vaccinated for information on where to get vaccinated, what to expect, immunisation records and possible side effects.

Date last updated:

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