Immunisation contacts

A list of national, state and territory contacts for information and advice about immunisation.

Booking vaccinations

You can book a vaccination appointment  a range of vaccination providers, including your local GP or community health clinic.

Immunisation history statements

Visit Services Australia's website to:

Government payments

Visit Services Australia's website to find out about immunisation requirements for government benefits, including Child Care payments and Family Tax Benefit Part A Supplement.

Travel vaccinations

Visit the Smart Traveller website.

Help or support

If you need help or support, you can:

If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can use the National Relay Service to access any of the phone numbers on this page.

Visit the National Relay Service online or call 1300 555 727.

State and territory immunisation health services

Contact number

Australian Capital Territory
ACT Health

02 5124 9800

New South Wales
NSW Ministry of Health

1300 066 055

Northern Territory
NT Department of Health and Families

08 8922 8044

Qld Health

13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84)

South Australia
SA Health

1300 232 272

TAS Department of Health

1800 671 738

VIC Department of Health

Western Australia
WA Department of Health

08 9321 1312

Date last updated:

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