Health technologies and digital health contacts

A list of organisations, websites and services relevant to health technologies and digital health.


Australian Digital Health Agency

Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA) aims to improve health outcomes for Australians through the delivery of national digital health services and systems. They focus on putting data and technology safely to work for patients, consumers and the healthcare professionals who look after them.
Australian Digital Health Agency

Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) secretariat

Contact the secretariat for the Advisory Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) or further information on the committee or previous meeting agendas and bulletins (meeting minutes)
Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

Digital future in health care contact

Email us for more information about our work on artificial intelligence in health care, or to register your interest in our consultation. Use 'Supporting Safe AI public consultation web query' for the email subject.

Electrocardiogram (ECG) post-implementation review contact

Contact us with questions about the electrocardiogram (ECG) post-implementation review.

Electronic prescribing contact

Contact us with questions about the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) legislative framework for electronic prescribing.
Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

Health Products Portal support

Contact us if you need help with the Health Products Portal, or have a suggestion for improvement.
Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

Health Technology Assessment team contact

The Health Technology Assessment (HTA) team can help industry with questions about the HTA process. Contact us if you are not sure which Australian Government funding program your technology may be eligible for, or if you have a codependent technology.
Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

Healthcare Identifier Service contact

The Healthcare Identifiers Service (HI Service) allows healthcare providers to access a person’s information by using a healthcare identifier. If you have any questions, contact the Healthcare Identifier Service team Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 5 pm AEST.
Services Australia

HTA Co-design Working Group Secretariat

Contact the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Co-design Working Group for more information about the co-design of an Enhanced Consumer Engagement Process.
Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

HTA Consumer Evidence and Engagement Unit

This unit helps consumers and patients to be part of health technology assessment (HTA) processes. It also supports the Health Technology Assessment Consumer Consultative Committee.
Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

HTA Review Secretariat

Contact us about matters related to the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Review or the HTA Review Reference Committee.
Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) secretariat

Contact us with any questions about the Medical Services Advisory Committee.
Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

National Real Time Prescription Monitoring (RTPM) contact

Contact us for more information about National Real Time Prescription Monitoring (RTPM). This computer system aims to reduce misuse of controlled medicines in Australia.
Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) contact

Contact us with any questions about the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee.
Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

Stoma Appliance Scheme and the Stoma Product Assessment Panel contact

Contact us for more information about the Stoma Appliance Scheme or the Stoma Product Assessment Panel, or to apply for the panel to assess one of your products for the Stoma Appliance Scheme Schedule.
Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care
Date last updated:

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