What we’re doing about family, domestic and sexual violence

We work across governments on measures to address, prevent and respond to family, domestic and sexual violence.


We fund a range of family, domestic and sexual violence (FDSV) initiatives that support victim-survivors:

These initiatives aim to:

  • improve the quality of care provided by primary health workers to support victim-survivors of FDSV and child sexual abuse
  • support early detection and trauma-informed aid for people who experience FDSV
  • help victim-survivors navigate the health system
  • improve health system pathways for victim-survivors
  • provide trauma-informed care for victim-survivors that focuses on recovery and healing.

Who we work with

  • Primary Health Networks
  • Safer Families Consortium
  • Attorney General’s Department – National Office for Child Safety
  • Department of Social Services
  • Illawarra Women’s Health Centre

National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children 2022–32

The Department of Social Services is the lead agency developing and implementing the National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children 2022–32.

The plan provides short, medium and long-term actions over the next 10 years across 4 domains:

  • prevention: stopping violence before it starts
  • early intervention: stop violence escalating and prevent it from happening
  • response: programs used to address existing violence
  • recovery and healing: helping to break the cycle of violence and supporting the health and wellbeing of victim-survivors.

The Australian Government has been working with state and territory governments to develop a number of action plans:

Date last updated:

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