COVID-19 advice for health professionals

Learn about what to consider when treating your patients for COVID-19 and the telehealth services available to them.

Treating your patients for COVID-19

Most people with COVID-19 can manage their illness at home.

You should consider oral antiviral treatments for anyone who is at risk of severe disease. Patients need a prescription to access the medications and can take these from home.

If you work with a person in a high-risk group, plan oral treatments with them in advance.

Read the COVID-19 oral treatments fact sheet for more information.

Accessing treatments from the National Medical Stockpile (NMS)

The NMS only distributes approved COVID-19 treatments to:

  • state and territory governments
  • Commonwealth Residential Aged Care Homes and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services, when they can’t source treatments through usual pharmacy arrangements.

Your local state or territory government gives health professionals access to these treatments. Check with your local health department about their supply arrangements.

You do not need to apply to us or via a hospital.

Providing healthcare in person

Our resources for providing healthcare, provides the full list of guidance and fact sheets for health professionals and providers. 

Stay protected and prevent the spread of COVID-19 by:

  • maintaining good hygiene, including the 5 moments for hand hygiene approach when dealing with patients
  • regularly cleaning the environment and equipment
  • assessing the patient’s risk of COVID-19 before face-to-face contact, and using personal protective equipment (PPE) suited to the risk and the setting
  • giving your patient a surgical mask to wear if they have been exposed to COVID-19 or have respiratory symptoms.

See the:

Providing healthcare remotely

From 1 January 2022, MBS Telehealth arrangements became ongoing.

MBS Online lists the types of health care professionals and services that have Medicare rebates.

For more information on new MBS items, see MBS Online.

Date last updated:

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