Dr Nick Coatsworth, Department of Health
Dr Kym Jenkins (RANZCP), Chair, Council of Presidents of Medical Colleges
Dr Sean Black-Tiong
Dr Rebecca Wood, Deputy Co-Chair, AMACDT
Question and answer
Question: With the majority of psychiatry trainees failing the exam and the long duration to getting the exam results, has the RANZCP consider the impact of delay in marking attaining fellowship?
Answer: This is an unsettling time and there have been many changes and impacts to the way we live, work and study. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) is best placed to respond to your concerns. We suggest you reach out and see what measures they are putting in place to support trainees.
Question: I live in Melbourne and am finding it increasingly hard to remain motivated and keep up with study and work commitments. What support or options do I have?
Answer: This is an unsettling time and routines have been disrupted, especially when it comes to study and work. Looking after your mental health and wellbeing is extremely important. We would encourage you to:
- Talk to your General Practitioner or mental health professional. This can be done either face to face or via telehealth;
- Access the free 24/7 Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service available via phone on 1800 512 348 or at;
- Visit Head to Health ( for access to free and low cost phone, and online mental health services and supports;
- In Victoria you also have access to HeadtoHelp clinics which provide additional mental health support for all Victorians. For more information go to or by calling
1800 595 212; - Headspace digital work and study service which provide a comprehensive digital support service for all Australians aged 12-25 years who have, or are at risk of, mental illness. For more information go to
- Medical Deans Australia and New Zealand (MDANZ) online support for medical students to ensure they can recognise and respond to the extra stresses associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. The course will also remind medical students to monitor their own mental health and wellbeing. For more information go to
Also, please reach out to your training provider who may support you with access to other information and options. Please stay well and look after your mental health.
How to watch the webinar
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- Click on the Webinar link. This will take you to the webinar page.
- To start a live webinar, click on the ‘launch’ button (no log in is required). For upcoming webinars, this button will only appear 15 minutes prior to the event start time, and once launched will only display a holding image in the video player.
- After you click on the ‘launch’ button, you will see a video player - this is where you will watch the webinar. For upcoming webinars there will also be a chat window which you can use to submit your questions.
- You can test whether you can watch the live webinar from your device before the event. If the video pauses, please refresh your web browser by pressing F5 on your keyboard.
To watch a webinar that has finished airing, follow these steps:
- Click on the Webinar link. This will take you to the webinar page.
- click on the play icon on the webinar screen.
Please note:
- 15 minutes prior to the event start time, you will only see a holding image in the video player.
- Before the event, please test whether you can watch the live webinar from your computer, laptop or tablet.
- If the video pauses, refresh your web browser by pressing F5 on your keyboard.