Virtual Integrated Assessment Tool (IAT) – Train-the-trainer session 2

Watch the recording from the virtual Integrated Assessment Tool (IAT) train-the trainer session 2 held on Wednesday 15 May 2024.



  • James Robertson
  • Kathryn Foley
  • Carla Scalia

[Opening visual of slide with text saying ‘Welcome’, ‘Train the trainer – follow up session’, ‘Integrated Assessment Tool (IAT) Implementation’]

[The visuals during this webinar are of each speaker seated together at a table in a room speaking to camera, with reference to the content of a PowerPoint presentation being played on screen] 

Kathryn Foley:

My name’s Kathryn Foley, part of the Capability team here at the Department of Health and Aged Care. I’m joined again today by James Robertson on my right and Carla Scalia on my left who have developed all of this wonderful training and our online elements and resources. So welcome again to IAT training part two. Today what we’re going to do is do a quick recap just of some of the key themes of where we covered yesterday and then get straight back into the rest of the content. And of course we are recording today so just be mindful of that. 

And I would also like to acknowledge the traditional lands on which we meet today, the lands of the Ngunnawal people here in Canberra. I’d also like to acknowledge the traditional lands of all the places where you are calling in from today and acknowledge any Indigenous or Torres Strait Islander people on the call today.

All right. Let’s kick off.

Okay. So as we said this is our wonderful team that has been delivering the training all around the countryside. And just to acknowledge you’ve got Justin Benn as well who’s our Director on the line as well.

Okay. This is our agenda for today. So we’re going to go through just a recap of all the key points from the initial session and then going to finish up the main content with walking through the IAT support plan. After that we’re going to go through the training preparation resources and of course allow some time for some questions on the way through. We’re going to continue the model from yesterday allowing some times for clarification and collecting your comments up in the chat. Please add any questions that you might have in the chat and we’ll endeavour to get through them all. But if we don’t get through them we will of course take them on notice and use them to provide feedback at a later date.

[Visual of slide with text saying ‘Refresher from initial session’]

Okay. Here’s where we start off our refresher from just going through the themes from yesterday. So this just gives you the overview of where we are in the journey for single assessment reform. We’re in the first part there with IAT implementation with the new assessment tool and the new triage process. I guess the key point that I wanted to give you from this was to note how we keep terming it the lumpiness of implementation, that there are going to be some parts in this first part that are setting us up for success in the next part of the single assessment reform. So it’s preparation in anticipation of moving to that single assessment workforce and then the future reforms with the new Aged Care Act coming. So that’s why it will be a bit lumpy but bear with us and hopefully we can all get through it together.

Okay. These are the slides that just go through all the changes included in IAT implementation. So as we noted the first stage is of course triage with a new on system triage process. And the changes for that will be triage consent will be required from the client. There will be limitations on assessment referrals when triage is in progress. No transfer and rejection. But of course this is where we start to take advantage of the pre-population fields from the client’s screening information and this is where we start to really get the benefit from pre-population. 

Then we move into assessment with the second stage, so where the IAT will replace the NSAF for doing the needs assessments for clients. It includes the new assessment tools that we ran through in quite a bit of detail yesterday in the new validated tools. And again option to pre‑populate from the client’s previous assessment and from triage. So plenty of opportunities to pre‑populate.

Moving on then the third part is the support plan which will remain largely the same. So it will have the same structure, look and feel. We’re still sticking with the ISBAR format and there will be some new functionality to transfer support plan reviews. 

And finally transition. So there will be arrangements to support transition from NSAF to IAT. Assessors will still complete an NSAF for clients for in-flight assessments on 1 July 2024. And assessors will complete an IAT for clients with assigned but not yet commenced assessments on 1 July 2024.

Okay. This was our backup slide for the video yesterday but this just gives you a quick overview of the steps involved in triage. So I thought this was a useful one just to go through. So we start off with receiving the assessment referral. Then moving to accept the assessment referral or reject or transfer. Then move into contacting the client. And that’s the start of where we get into the triage process. And it will need to be completed before an assessment can commence but triage will only need to be completed once for a client’s assessment referral.

Then of course we need the consent from the client or the relevant contact. And so consent will need to be obtained from the client or the relevant contact after reading a script and recording consent in the system. And we will be providing a copy of the consent script after the end of this session. That’s something that we haven’t been able to provide on system so we’ll be providing that in an email. From there you complete the triage questions and this is where you need to fully complete the triage process. You can’t reject or transfer the referral at this step. Of course acknowledging that there is the pre-population available to include any information from screening. And then finally you assign the referral to the assessor or reject or transfer the referral to the end process. 

So that’s just the overview of the steps involved in triage.

Okay. Then I thought it would be timely to have a bit of a refresher on the transition arrangements for IAT implementation in regards to processing assessments. So this was a slide that we showed yesterday so I thought it would be worth just going through it again. So any in progress assessment on 1 July 2024 can be completed using the NSAF. But an assessment that has not yet commenced on 1 July 2024 will need to be completed using the IAT. Depending on the assessment referral status different transition arrangements for triage will apply.

Now the conditions there are detailed below. So you can see the different statuses and the arrangements for triage. I guess the key message to put to you here is each organisation needs to consider how they’re going to manage their assessments that they have on hand. Once an assessment is accepted and commenced it can continue in NSAF. So that is an option for you if you wanted to manage some of the referrals that you’ve got, that we know that there can be some waiting lists out there. Now that of course would have to happen with consent of the client and it may also impact other KPIs but it would mean they would be continued on the NSAF and you wouldn’t have to do triage. So definitely something to consider in terms of management. We know that it’s not ideal but definitely an option for how to manage some of those waiting lists that you’ve got out there. Otherwise if the other statuses apply then triage will need to be conducted as detailed on the screen there.

All right.

And then just to give a quick overview of the IAT. We went through the detailed breakdown of questions yesterday but this slide just shows all the different sections. We’ve no longer got – what was the previous term Carla?

Carla Scalia:


Kathryn Foley:

Domains. That’s it. No longer domains. We now have sections. And so there’s 14 different sections in the IAT there leading of course to the IAT support plan.

All right. And this slide just recaps the difference between the IAT and the NSAF. So then there’s a single IAT. So it consolidates into a single dynamic tool adjusting questions based on factors like First Nations background, previous answers and whether the assessor is clinical or non‑clinical. The IAT’s got nested questions designed to tailor the assessment experience, only diving deep into areas where concerns are flagged, ensuring a proportionate assessment approach. It does of course have those threshold questions. So it has specific questions that trigger additional questions for clinical assessors focusing on more in-depth exploration of flagged concerns, contrasting with the NSAF’s more uniform questioning. And so of course we went through quite a bit of detail on the threshold questions for non-clinical assessors and tried to highlight the difference between clinical and non-clinical assessors.

The IAT’s got new focus areas. So it includes topics not covered or not as extensively covered in the NSAF such as financial or legal matters, medical issues, social and behavioural matters, frailty and current support and services. And finally the IAT integrates 11 validated tools directly into the assessment process, enhancing the depth and clinical relevance of assessment. So they replace the tools that were previously supplementary. So that’s the key differences.

Okay. And this just gives a recap of the training arrangements that we went through yesterday. So there’s four stages that were proposed for training. There’s the workplace training session, completion of the online learning goal, completion of the training scenarios and completion of the online quiz. As we said each organisation will do it differently but these are the four steps that we think you do need to go through when you are training your staff over the next month.

[Visual of slide with text saying ‘Q&A on the IAT’]

All right. So we might just pause there and see the questions that we’re getting through. So I’m just looking to see the ones that we’ve got here just recently. 

Q:        I cannot see how to find how a referral process looks. Where do I find this info?

James Robertson:

If that relates to the current referral process – because obviously a lot of our training builds off the ways things are working currently – the Aged Care Assessment Manual outlines the steps that occur during referral. I think it’s section – Carla’s a bit better than me at the sections but I think it might be section four of that document. But there’s a table of contents upfront. There’s a whole section on referral before assessment and that will give you some good contextual information about how referrals work currently and what the triage process is building off. 

Kathryn Foley:

And I think the key thing there is that referral is still the same. It’s not changing. It’s just the form that’s changing.

James Robertson:

That’s correct.

Carla Scalia:

That’s it. And as we discussed yesterday once you accept the – so you still have the option to transfer, reject and accept just as you do now. If you accept the referral though the difference will be that you assign it to a team leader for triage and not an assessor for assessment. But again as we discussed yesterday if your assessor has the team leader role they’ll be able to complete the triage also.

Kathryn Foley:

And then we’ve got a couple of questions about consent and contacts.

Q:        So if a person cannot hear or speak over the phone and the primary contact is the only way to communicate can triage continue?

And then there’s reference to discussion about primary contacts and how dealing with people in remote areas or quite geographically apart – how do we do triage there? This is something that we’re going to touch on a little bit later but I think we’ve definitely heard a lot of questions about consent throughout these training sessions. Certainly you need to follow your standard practice on consent about ensuring that you’re dealing with the appropriate people. And I think it goes to your experience about if you’re not sure about whether the person can provide consent then you’ve got to take those extra steps. We know there’s some concerns and questions about consent and so we’re going to be seeking more advice. So we’ve definitely noted that one and we’ll pass that on to our policy colleagues.

All right.

Q:        In IAT under cultural diversity I could not see a box for those not born in Australia.

That’s one we’ll have to look at and take on notice. Yep.

Q:        Currently we refer a client for HCP. How will this look in IAT?

That might be in relation to the HCP framework which I think we got a question on yesterday. And I think as far as I’m aware that still continues. So that’s the framework that gives you the advice on the categories for Level 1, 2, 3 or 4. And my understanding is that that is still continuing.

James Robertson:

Yeah. There’s some references to the NSAF domains in that framework currently. So I know that’s been identified as an impact with the IAT changes. But as the training team we’re not clear on if that will be updated or there will be minor changes before 1 July or if it’s the like for like, if it will still work appropriately with the IT just with some terminology differences.

Kathryn Foley:

Yep. So we’ll definitely pass that on to the policy colleagues as well. We know that that’s a useful guide out there that people use so it’s something that we’ll definitely pass on.

James Robertson:

Can I just jump back to that client diversity question? It took me a little bit to realise maybe what it relates to. So in the IAT user guide, that is correct. The list of client diversity response options to choose from is about two or three in the current draft of the user guide that you’ve all received. I just want to confirm that there is an expanded list there of about six or seven response options with some clarifications on the specifications for questions. So an updated version of the user guide will be shared shortly and that will include those additional response options. I’m fairly confident off the top of my head that that will also include clients born from overseas or culturally and linguistically diverse but I’m not 100% sure on that off the top of my head.

Kathryn Foley:

Excellent. All right. So I think we will move on there.

[Visual of slide with text saying ‘Clarifications’]

And clarifications. So I just wanted to raise a couple of the themes that were raised in yesterday's questions, just to walk through them to provide a bit of context. So these were four that came up fairly regularly so I just want to speak to them, noting that we’ve logged these in our log of questions. 

So firstly triage and support plan reviews. Just to be clear the triage is not required for support plan reviews. And I think guys there is some specific conditions there where triage is required. So it’s required for - - -

James Robertson:

Yeah. So there was a few questions on this where it was assumed that triage applies for the reviews but it’s only if the review results in a reassessment, so a new assessment. That’s where the triage step will kick in. So reassessments, new assessments, triage is required. But if an organisation is undertaking a support plan review and that’s the only task that that entails then there’s no triage requirement. 

Kathryn Foley:

Excellent. All right. KPI timeframes. So just to clarify there is no change to KPI timeframes. Existing timeframes for accepting your referral and timeliness will still apply. Triage and consent. That’s questions that we’re continuing to get some feedback on. We hear you. We acknowledge that this is something that is of a concern and we’re getting lots of questions so we are seeking advice on that.

And finally transition arrangements. So the NSAF and access to the My Assessor app will continue. So the new and existing apps can be used at the same time. So rest assured we’re not going to be shutting things off very quickly. It will continue on to work in parallel for the time being.

All right. So IAT support plan walkthrough.

[Visual of slide with text saying ‘IAT support plan walkthrough’]

Carla Scalia:

All right. Thanks Kathryn. So we were going to cover this content yesterday but ran out of time so we’re going to pick it up for you this afternoon. A few slides on the support plan and just to let you know how it will work with integration to the IAT. So with regards to support plans the look and feel will remain unchanged. You’re still going to be using the ISBAR method to structure the assessment summary. There will be no changes to support plan fields on areas of concern, client goals and recommendations. Assessors will still retain the ability to be able to view and modify contents within the support plan to ensure customisation to what the client needs and wants. Information entered into the IAT will continue to pre-populate the assessment summary just as it does now within the NSAF. The IAT will continue to do the same. And areas of concern, client goals and recommendations will continue to require manual input based on the discussions with the client during the assessment. 

This is a screenshot of the support plan as it will look within the portal. As you can see in this slide you’re still retaining the functionalities as you’re completing questions within the IAT to tick the little box to move the information over to identify it as a functional need, another consideration, a complexity indicator or a recommendation. So again just as you do now within the NSAF the IAT will continue to do exactly the same thing.

I know that the screenshot’s not great, that the writing is tiny, tiny, tiny, but basically on this screenshot you can see a snapshot of the assessment summary. As mentioned the ISBAR will still form your heading, ISBAR standing for introduction, situation, background, assessment recommendation. And then again as you tick your little boxes as you move through the IAT you’ll get that information move over with regards to the functional needs, other considerations and complexity indicators.

We did get a lot of questions through the face to face sessions asking if that little magic arrow was still going to be appearing in the IAT to advise you that information prepopulates into the assessment summary. And the answer is yes. You’ll still see that little arrow that will advise you that information you’re filling in prepopulates over. And so it’s a great little prompt to use. It gives you an idea of where to pop the most detailed information in for the sake of moving that across and resulting in less duplication of the work you need to do in the support plan.

I’m not going to go through this slide line by line but basically what it outlines is I guess you could say the placeholder with regards to information that moves over from the IAT into your assessment summary or the prompts that you’ll see that will alert you to adding in further information again just as you currently do now within your NSAF. So any text in red that you can see on this slide will be prepopulated in the assessment summary from the related responses in the IAT. The areas in blue are prompts that will pop up in your assessment summary and will require you to add any additional information manually. Again you follow the same processes as you do now with the NSAF. This is all completely editable so you’ll be able to add as much information as you need, delete what you don’t need. As mentioned is all customisable. So as you can see this slide outlines what prepopulates over to the introduction, the situation and the background part of your ISBAR within the assessment summary, and then this next slide outlines what comes over into assessment and recommendations of your ISBAR.

It is important to note that we have been advised that there’s some changes to what prepopulates over from NSAF, the differences between NSAF and IAT. So with the IAT your assessor notes in the cognition section as well as behaviour sections of the IAT will prepopulate into the assessment area of your ISBAR, noting that your assessor notes from the psychological section will no longer prepopulate over into the support plan. So just make note of that for future reference when you’re working within the IAT.

Last slide when it comes to support plan. You will be given added functionality from the 1st of July with regards to managing your support plan reviews. So team leaders will be given portal functionality to be able to transfer support plan reviews to another assessment organisation in the portal where required, with the reasons being that you’ll need to select from is that the client has relocated or anything other which will require a further explanation through a free text field. At the moment we believe that this functionality needs to go through the Contact Centre where assessors haven’t been able to action this functionality, but from 1st of July you will be able to, noting that obviously it’s to be used in situations that require it. We did get some comments from some of the face to face sessions of ACATs, a few ACATs saying to us ‘Just make sure you make it clear that it really is when as needed and it’s not a free for all of us sharing all of our support plan reviews across the country because we don’t want to do them anymore. So yeah it’s certainly not that. But obviously if you’re doing a support plan review and the client’s relocated for example and it’s best to move that review on to another assessment organisation within their state or territory, this is a functionality that’s going to make life a lot easier for you to do it.

It is important to note that only support plan reviews with the status of submitted and assigned are able to be transferred through this functionality. And again coming back to what we discussed before, support plan reviews in itself will not need to be triaged. But if you do find that the client’s needs have changed considerably and that review results in the need for a reassessment then triage will need to be undertaken as part of that process because the system sees it as a new assessment and so you’re starting through that process again. Again coming back to our favourite word, pre-population. Remember you will have the option to prepopulate that triage form in that new assessment from the previous assessment the client has on file. So hopefully that will save you a lot of time and save the client more so a lot of effort with regards to getting that support plan review done and dusted and obviously proceeded onto a new assessment as well.

[Visual of slide with text saying ‘Clarifications’]

So any questions that you have about those slides there?

Kathryn Foley:

So we did have a couple of questions come up in the chat. 

Q:        We often come across unidentified doubles while assessing. So for example the spouse needs an assessment. At present we support them to contact the MAC centre and conduct the assessment together at the same time as the original client. In the future will that still be possible as triage for the spouse will not have happened? 

Carla Scalia:

Correct. Yes. Absolutely. I think in cases where assessors can self-refer I believe we’ve been told a lot of obviously ACATs in that situation will tend to self-refer the client and assess that client at the same time too. But yes. I think probably from yesterday’s session it is important to note that a lot of your assessment processes won’t change. Obviously the NSAF is being replaced with the IAT and it’s the added step of triage, which at the moment as we discussed is a little bit lumpy because we’re moving to a single assessment workforce and that triage function is going to have a very different look and feel as we move into single assessment and even move into actions which will regulate us under the Aged Care Act. But yes it’s important to note that a lot of the things that you do now will remain to be the same from 1st of July and that’s one of them.

Kathryn Foley:

Excellent. Next question is:

Q:        With the additional tools that are completed, do they populate into the support plan or just the comments about them?

James Robertson:

So the answer to that is no. The score or the answers to the questions won’t prepopulate in the support plan. However if you’re including details about the validated tool in the notes field in each of the sections that is what prepopulates across. So it may be worth including information about the validated tool in the score and then circumstantial information in the notes field because then that will allow you to see it in the support plan as well.

Kathryn Foley:

Great. Thank you. The next question is about:

Q;        Why do assessors have to do the IAT question section as well as the support plan? It seems as though we’re repeating the same information.

So I think that potentially is about pre-population there. We need you to work through the national standardised questions and then the information’s prepopulated across to the support plan. Now the aim of the support plan doesn’t change. It’s still to set out what the process is for the client, set out their circumstances, the reasons for why they’re being assessed and the reasons that support their assessment outcome, so what they’re being approved for. So that all still remains the same. So hopefully that addresses your question there. 

James Robertson:

And also just to jump on the back of what Kathryn said there. So the assessment summary in the support plan, that’s obviously a summary of the assessment, but there are other components in the support plan that are not picked up in the assessment questions. So goals, areas of needs, and of course the service recommendations and general recommendations. They’re all included in the support plan but not in the assessment questions.

Kathryn Foley:

All right. Next question.

Q:        Currently we complete SPRs for clients who live outside our catchment area. Will this change to only doing SPRs in our catchment area?

Carla Scalia:

No. So with the support plan review the review will still – the functionality will still go back to the assessment organisation that developed the support plan in the first instance just as it does now. Again once you contact the client to do that review, if you identified that they have moved, that’s where the functionality to transfer comes in. So it won’t automatically pick up on the client’s location. It will come back to you initially. It will be during that review process that you will more than likely identify that the client’s moved and again that’s when you action that process.

Just noting on that, a good point to remind you all that if you do during a review identify that a client has moved there are some formal processes that you will need to engage in. The first thing you’ll need to do is obviously change the client’s address in their demographic profile to make sure that the client’s record is up to date. Just as what happens in transfers now there will need to be some engagement with the forwarding organisation to advise them that you are intending to transfer that support plan review and that they’re willing to accept that. Obviously at the centre of this whole process is the client. So the client needs to be advised and needs to provide again consent to a certain degree that they’re happy for that support plan review to be transferred on too. So it’s not something that you just action in the system and leave it be. It does need to be engagement with the client and the assessment organisation that you’re moving it to to be able to facilitate that process with everybody understanding what’s going on.

Kathryn Foley:

Excellent. All right. And then I think our final question for this section again on support plan reviews.

Q:        Will support plan reviews have functionality to complete in the app and portal that will allow new information to populate into the support plan?

Carla Scalia:

You will be able to develop support plans in both portal and app. What prepopulates over though is what’s been described in the slides today. So whatever you put into the IAT, if you can see there’s placeholders within the assessment summary section, that’s what moves over. Nothing else prepopulates the support plan other than the IAT. I hope that’s answered the question.

Kathryn Foley:

Great. All right. I think we can probably move on to the next section.

James Robertson:

[Visual of slide with text saying ‘Part 3) Trainer preparation’]

Okay. Over to me. So please bear with me for this one because I will show a few other screens on top of the PowerPoint slides so if I reach any technical issues I’ll be able to quickly resolve them but it might not be as smooth for you looking at the screen.

So for the last part of today’s session we’ll now spend some time going through your role as trainers and the responsibility to deliver training sessions to staff in your organisation. And we’ll cover some of the training deliverables that you’ll be supporting as well, primarily the online learning goal. So what I will do now in this walkthrough is show a few of the materials that we’ve prepared for trainers to assist with your role with the training sessions that you’re delivering. So the first one that I’ll show shortly is the learning pack or the training pack. That term’s used interchangeably. These are the presentation slides that we prepared for trainers to use in their own training session. We’ve also got a trainer guide which is a guide to go through all the preparation instructions and ways that trainers can prepare in their role. And then finally we’ve got a learner guide to assist learners in the lead up to attending their session about what to expect, what’s covered in sessions and what’s covered elsewhere as well.

So what I’ll do is quickly go through those materials, where they’re housed on MAC learning. I know we got some questions yesterday about where are the resources? I’m not seeing the train the trainer slides, etcetera. So I’ll show where these materials are housed for trainers versus where the material sits for learners and hopefully that can help clarify a few things.

So first thing I did want to flag as well is there was a fact sheet included with the email that you received for the calendar invite for this session.

Sorry. It’s very slow.

So I did just want to flag that that is a great resource to go to. If you’re trying to find where things are in MAC learning this resource does include instructions on how to get on, how to access the IT transition learning element on MAC learning. So that’s your go to if anything I cover shortly is not remembered after this session.

Okay. So what I’ll do next is bring across a live version of MAC learning and show you what to expect if you haven’t yet logged on to look at the material.

Okay. So I’ve logged on to MAC learning here. You will be able to see in the dashboard the IAT transition learning goal, and for those registered to the triage transition learning goal that will display there as well. If you’re not seeing it in your dashboard chances are you already have the learning goal completed so you will need to look in the goal centre instead to be able to see where the learning goal is housed. So if you’re not seeing it in the dashboard try the tab below.

Can I just confirm no one can see my screen or is that just Kathy?

Carla Scalia:

Maybe thumbs up if you can see the screen. Yep. We’ve got definitely a few there.

James Robertson:

Great. Thanks all. Good to know.

So in the goal centre you’ll be able to see the transition goals there as well. If it’s not displaying in the first screen that’s because you’re looking at ‘In progress’. Click ‘Completed’ if it’s not displaying in the first screen.

So opening up the transition learning goal. So not the triage one. You’ll be able to see where all of the information is housed. So for those enrolled in the transition learning goal you’ll see at the top the four learning elements. So triage, integrated assessment tools, validate tools in practice and support plan. You’ll also be able to see if you scroll down the quiz as well. So that’s the quiz that learners are required to complete to be able to undertake IAT assessments. And then below that for trainers you’ll be able to see the materials that we’ve shared just for you. So there’s a list of 17 training resources. Three or four of them are not shared to learners. So they’re the trainer guide. The learner guide is not shared to learners as well in the learning goals. So that will need to be shared with them in the lead up to your training session. So perhaps doing something similar like we did in attaching it to the calendar invite or the material that you share beforehand will be helpful. And then the other items that they won’t be able to see are the training presentation pack, so the training pack that you’ll be using to deliver the session and then also the facilitator instructions and talking prompts that we’ve included to help you with delivering that session.

So let’s go into a few of these documents now to give you a bit of a walkthrough of what to expect. We’ll start with the training pack. Because of the limitations on MAC learning we’re not able to share the PowerPoint version of the training pack for you to use in your session. So we’ve just uploaded the PDF version but after today’s virtual session we will send an email with the PowerPoint version and you’ll see in the notes section at the bottom all of the facilitator instructions and talking prompts.

So a couple of things I did want to draw your attention to in this training pack is just how it’s structured. So the main thing to cover here is the triage content. I’m sorry. I’ll zoom out a little bit so it’s more visible.

Apologies. It’s very laggy at my end.

Okay. So with the structure of the session this can be broken down into individual sessions or delivered in any order that you would like. But we recommend following this order if time allows. What we’ve got in terms of the structure is a similar introduction to what Kathryn has done over the last couple of days with the structure of the session, the high level summary of the changes and what the training requirements are. Then in the triage content we’ve split this up into the training sessions. The first part of the triage content is an overview designed for all learners and the second part is a detailed summary of the process and the triage questions for those with a team leader role.

Then we’ve got the assessment content. Very similar to what Carla and I went through yesterday going into the guidance on questions, threshold and additional questions, and that content. 

The next aspect of the training session is on support plans. So that covers the content that Carla went through today. And then finally we’ve got the transition arrangements covered separately as a 30 minute session at the end. How to manage in flight assessments and impacts on triage for assessments not yet commenced etcetera. And as I mentioned at the end we’ve got the triage process for team leaders.

If you’re delivering the session to staff that are going to be team leaders as well as assessors our recommendation that we flag to other train the trainer sessions is to merge that content together. You’ll see there’s two or three slides that are duplicate between the overview and the process and the rest is different content. So our advice is to do the overview first and then the process second and do it as part of one bigger triage section rather than splitting it in two.

So that’s the presentation slides. As I said you’ll get the PowerPoint version so you can use it a little bit easier in your sessions. So I’ll just jump back to the resource list.

Kathryn Foley:

All right team. Thank you very much for your patience there. Hopefully you can see and hear us again. We think we’ve got enough capacity to keep going here. We’ve certainly got all the documents going so let’s see if we can try again and share the screen.

James Robertson:

Okay. Apologies for that all. What I’ll do is I’ve got the documents all ready here so I won’t jump back into the web browser and open them up each time. So with the presentation slides that you will receive what I did want to flag is the instructions for the facilitator and the talking prompts. So all of the slides that we’ve prepared for you to use in your training session we’ve got notes about what to cover in those slides. We’ve tried not to focus on word for word repeating what’s on the slide as well. So if there’s any context or background information that you can flag alongside it.

So that’s on all the slides. They are editable of course as well. So as part of your own preparation please feel free to make your own notes or tweak things around a little bit to do your talking prompts in your own words as well.

Next I’ll jump to the learner guide.

Sorry the trainer guide I’ll go through first. So with the trainer guide this is to give you a bit more information after today’s session about what to do to prepare to deliver your first training session and the support that you can provide learners with their other learning activities such as completing the online learning goal. So how this is structured is here. So with this we’ve got the contents listed upfront. So that’s got everything with how it’s structured. The background just provides a bit more information about the IT implementation, the approach that we’re adopting for training, the requirement to be certified through this training before you can conduct assessments using the IAT. We’ve also provided a summary of what the Department is responsible for with the implementation of the IAT and then the role that we’re asking workplace trainers to provide assistance with as well.

Then it goes into the context section. So this just provides a bit of context about the training session itself, what we’re trying to achieve from it and what we would like the trainers to do in those sessions. It’s also got some information about the timings that we anticipate. So we think the sessions will be roughly yesterday’s session in length. So three hours and 45 minutes. And then of course a little bit longer if you’ve got team leaders as well to cover that content separately.

We’ve got there the diagram that Kathryn shared before about how everything is sequenced together. The main message here is the training session or the online learning goal that can be delivered in either order, they’re designed to complement each other. So how that works in terms of how they complement each other is up to you.

A bit more information about the trainer roles and responsibilities. Then we’ve flagged in regards to why we’ve included training content for all assessors related to those additional questions that we covered yesterday. Similar to what we covered yesterday this is because eventually this will open up to all assessors and we do also think it’s important information to be aware of to help with your assessor’s consideration of if a comprehensive assessment’s required. If there’s a need to go through that content a little bit quicker or to present it slightly differently feel free to do so in your delivery approach when you deliver these sessions.

Then we’ve got the list of resources that I showed before on MAC learning. So how to access it. What we think is most useful in this trainer guide is the purpose statement for each of those resources. So obviously you’re seeing quite a number of resources and it can be a little bit confusing about what’s for what. So these purpose statements can help explain what each document is intended for.

Moving down to the trainer preparation checklist. Now we know most of you are pretty well versed as trainers and delivering training to your staff members in your organisation. What this preparation checklist is intended to do is not to tell you how to do your job as trainers but a few tips and tricks from our end based on the content that we’ve put together and the logical steps that we think make sense in terms of preparing to deliver that training session. So for example we’ve flagged which documents you could review first, the benefit of going over the presentation slides, adding your notes in. With the user guide, working out how to navigate that guide rather than remembering all 300 pages word for word. So a few little tips and tricks like that has been included.

Finally the support arrangements. We’ll cover that on a slide shortly but I did just want to flag here with the support email address we have asked learners to go to their trainers for support questions rather than to email the Department directly. So the trainers should be the ones that email the Department.

The learner guide is much shorter than the trainer guide. Some of the information is consistent. So the background information is the same. The context information about what to get out of the session is the same as well. We’ve also explained to the learners about the ACAT assessor content and why that’s included in the training for everyone. The resource summary is included here as well. And then finally the support arrangements as I mentioned we’ve not included as part of this because we do want them to go to trainers instead.

So that’s everything on the materials that I was keen to walk through. If you are back in the MAC learning the other materials that will be accessible there that won’t be available to everyone else is the train the trainer slides. So the slides that we’ve gone through in the last couple of sessions, they’ll be included as well. We have tweaked a couple of things to make this work for a virtual session delivered over two sessions so the slides that you will see are the slides that we provided in the face to face sessions.

Last thing to note from my end is that we do have some additional training coming up on the system changes. This relates to the access to the virtual environment, the training environment for the assessor portal. We will be sharing access credentials to logon to the training environment and some test data that can be used through those logins. Most of you would have used the training environment before. That test or training data resets every 24 hours and we are trying our best to make sure we’ve got enough to go around for every learner, noting that we’ve got a two week period that that training environment is available before the go live.

I’ve mentioned this before when explaining the training related queries. Here’s the email address to contact if you do have questions about the materials or the training approach. Kathryn is typically the person behind that email address. For training related queries we’ll do our best to get back to those queries in a business day. We do have some queries that will take a little bit longer to respond to if they need to be escalated to other areas of the Department. We will note the urgency of those queries but we won’t be able to provide that within that shorter timeframe just because it does need a bit of coordination across teams as well.

So these training related queries arrangements will be in place for up until the 30th of June and then the normal arrangements will commence from that date onwards. So contacting the Contact Centre, escalations being raised through that channel where needed as well.

[Visual of slide with text saying ‘Clarifications’]

That’s everything I had on my side to cover for the trainer material walkthrough. Did we have any questions pop up?

Kathryn Foley:

Just got a couple of questions. So we did get a request to just repeat the arrangements for if we’ve got a partner that requires assessment at the same time as we are with a client and how triage will work from that. This one’s specifically about working remotely. So can they be self‑referred when they’re out in the field? Yep.

Carla Scalia:

Yes. And again if you’re self-referring and you have a team leader functionality in the portal as an assessor you will be able to complete the triage process and assessment straight away seamlessly. If you don’t have team leader role and you need to self-refer you will still be able to complete that process but remember you will need to nominate a team leader for the sake of supervision and you won’t be able to finalise your assessment until a team leader’s given that okay in the system as well.

Kathryn Foley:

Okay. Thank you. Now there’s a question here about minimum operating systems for versions needed to run the IAT app. There’s been an email received by assessment agencies about that advising of the minimum operating system requirements.

Q:        Will test versions of the app be available for agencies to test capability against?

I think that’s one we’ll take on notice and we’ll talk to our IT people. So yep. Another question here.

Q:        Delegation remains as it is now. Just as a delegate we will be viewing and reviewing the IAT rather than the NSAF in our delegation process.

Correct. Yes. What you’re doing now as a delegate for NSAF you will do as a delegate for IAT.

Q:        Will there be a certificate we need to assess the complete CIAT training or will we be using the transcript?

No. Each assessor will receive a certificate to say that they have completed the IAT training after they’ve successfully completed the quiz. So as soon as you get all 12 questions in the quiz right and finished MAC learning will automatically give you a lovely certificate. So definitely.

All right. Moving on. 

Q:        If possible could you go over the login links that are updated every 24 hours?

James Robertson:

Yes. Okay. So the logon details don’t change. You’ll get a username and a password to access the training environment but there will be in the training environment data that’s just utilised through your logon details so everyone doesn’t have access to the same data. That data resets overnight. So the benefit of that is you can go through, do your triage, answer assessment questions, and then when you logon the next day you don’t have to undo things or create a new client record and start again. That will just revert back to where it started the previous day. So the main message there is when you do do your assessment scenarios make sure you’re completing them within the day and hopefully it allows you to give access to more learners to the training environment to get them through as well because you can use the same data for someone else the next day. 

Carla Scalia:

And they’re separate credentials that we will email out to assessment organisations isn’t it? Yep. And we’re definitely working on that because we know that you are all hotly anticipating that access.

Kathryn Foley:

All right. I think that’s all the questions that we’ve got from the chat. 

[Visual of slide with text saying ‘Thank you’]

So I think then it’s just time for us to wrap up then, to just walk through what we’ve gone through over the last two days. So at the end of this session hopefully you should have a solid understanding of how the IAT implementation arrangements and related system changes are going to happen, be aware of the IAT training requirements, delivery approach for assessment organisations, be familiar with IAT training resources and guidance, and be aware where you can raise IAT training related queries.

So that’s it for us. That’s all that we have to present to you today. Thank you very much for hanging in there with us. We know we’ve had a few technical difficulties along the way and it was a long session over a couple of days. So we do appreciate your attention and all your questions. Please continue to give us feedback either on the elements or we do have a survey about our training. So please we welcome any feedback on any part of it. Yes. And good luck with your training out there in all your organisations. Thank you very much. Take care.

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