Hey you mob, lets yarn about human papillomavirus, or better known as HPV.
Watch this video to find out how your children can be protected from HPV.
HPV is a really common virus passed from person to person through sexual contact, and effects both males and females.
90 per cent of people will have a HPV infection at some point.
In most people its harmless, has no symptoms, and their immune system gets rid of the virus.
In some people though, the virus can stay around and cause HPV-related diseases, like genital warts, cervical cancer, and some cancers of the vulva, vagina, anus, penis and throat.
The good news is that the HPV vaccine safely and effectively provides protection against a range of diseases caused by nine types of HPV.
Getting the vaccine is easy.
Its one injection given to students aged approximately twelve to thirteen years at school.
And if your child misses their vaccine at school you can speak to a health care worker or school-based immunisation provider about how you can catch up.
Before children can have the vaccine, parents and caregivers have to say its ok, by signing the consent form.
The HPV vaccine is really safe.
Millions of doses have been given around the world and it meets very high safety standards in Australia.
Before the vaccine is even made available to the public, its tested and then continually monitored.
After getting the vaccine, some children might feel a few mild side effects, like soreness, or swelling or redness at the injection site, a slight temperature, or even feel a little faint.
This is normal, and nothing to worry about.
A very small number of children can have an allergic reaction shortly after receiving it.
But health nurses are trained and can handle these types of reactions.
So let’s protect our mob from HPV related cancers and diseases, by making sure our children get the HPV vaccine.
Remember its free, and all you need to do is say its ok by signing the consent form.
Together, we can keep our children HPV free.