Quarterly Financial Report – Provider contact details

The Quarterly Financial Report (QFR) provider contact video, is designed to familiarise and support aged care providers in reviewing and updating the Contact Details section in the new QFR application on GPMS.


In this video, we are going to walk through the Contact Details section in the new QFR application on GPMS.

Contact details are recorded within each quarter’s submission.

When you open your new quarter’s form, the contact person from last quarter’s submission should already be displayed as the Primary contact.

You can make changes by selecting the ‘edit’ button and entering in the new contact’s information.

If you don’t need to make any changes, please review the information to confirm the spelling is correct.

The email supplied for the Primary Contact will receive the confirmation email once the QFR has been submitted and will be the first point of contact if the department has an queries about your submission.

We heard feedback from the sector that some Providers want to assign different contacts for specific areas of the QFR and you now have the option of adding secondary contacts for Food and Nutrition, Home Care and Residential Care.

The Department will use these contact details if we have a query related to their area, while always including the Primary Contact in our communications.

For example, if we want to clarify your response to a home care labour costs and hours question, both the Home Care secondary contact and Primary Contact will be contacted.

The QFR will display the option to enter secondary contacts for all care types – even if your organisation doesn’t offer these services.

Both the primary and secondary contacts can be updated each quarter if required.

Leaving any blank won’t prevent you from submitting so if they don’t apply you can skip them and move to the next section of the report.

Thank you for watching this video on Contact Details.  We have more videos and other guidance material available on our website.

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