Interim First Nations Aged Care Commissioner Andrea Kelly’s 2024 Wrap Up

The Interim First Nations Aged Care Commissioner Andrea Kelly reflects on her experiences travelling around the country, listening to older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, in 2024.


Hi I’m Andrea Kelly the Interim First Nations Aged Care Commissioner

I am a proud Warumungu and Larrakia woman

Today I’m coming to you from the lands of the Ngunnawal and Ngambri people

But I've spent so much time this year on Country.

From the Torres Strait Islands to Lurawita I travelled as far west to Yaruwu Country East to Dungutti and Biripi  Countries, Arrernte Country   and Yorta Yorta Country and many places in between

What a busy year been travelling  nationally listening to Aboriginal and Torres Strait  Islander people tell me the good and not-so-good areas of the aged care system and what was important to you

Between February and June 2024: I met with more than 1,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. And travelled around 60,000kms on commercial flights and over 8,500kms by car This doesn’t include the boats, ferries, or small charter planes. I held over 135 engagements and  received 37 written submissions

While the travel was  exhausting it was so rewarding and important to hear first-hand from all of you I heard stories about getting old on Country. I heard how hard it can be and how far we have to go until the aged care system meets the needs of our older people. I saw first-hand amazing  examples of aged care services that are delivering culturally safe care but we need more of these

You what you all told me  the problems you experience when accessing aged care the safe about aged care services this year.

And I heard from aged care  services and older people that need more support

I’ve been hard at work sharing  this information with the Government and the department  influencing and shaping aged care reforms

There is still so much to do

So, in 2025, I will continue the work of putting what you told me into practice  and advocating for the changes you need to ensure you age well

To every Elder, Aunty, Uncle,  family member, carer, health worker and member of community who  took time out to meet with me. Thank you

As promised, I have turned your stories into a community booklet that I hope truly reflects what you told me; your voices Keep an eye out for this as it will be released very soon

Thank you

English (Australia)

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