How to access and preview Finance and Operations – Publication Preview on GPMS

This video provides an overview of how residential care and home care providers can access and preview their Finance and Operations: Publication Preview on the Government Provider Management System (GPMS).


Section 1

Introduction. Additional financial and operations information about aged care providers will be published on My Aged Care from early 2024.Increasing transparency in aged care rebuilds trust in the sector, and helps older people, their families, and carers make informed decisions about their care. Financial and operations information is submitted by aged care providers to the Department of Health and Aged Care, through quarterly and annual financial reporting, the annual Provider Operations Collection Form, as well as the Aged Care Payment System. Selected information will then be collated and published on My Aged Care under the Find a Provider tool. Prior to publication, aged care providers will be able to view their financial and operations data online through the Government Provider Management System (GPMS). This video provides an overview of the Finance and Operations: Publication Preview. Publication Preview will allow providers to view their information prior to it being published on My Aged Care.

Section 2

Access and navigation. Access GPMS information on the website. (search for GPMS) When you log into the GPMS portal you will be taken to the GPMS Home Page. In the Provider operations reporting tile, you will be taken to the Home Page of Provider Operations Reporting. The home page on Provider Operations Reporting in GPMS is the What's new tab. Aged care providers will be sent a notification via GPMS to tell them their finance and operations information will soon be published on My Aged Care and that a preview of the information is available to preview on GPMS. This is a good opportunity for providers to familiarise themselves with the information and prepare for questions that may be asked following publication by current and prospective users of their services. Should you have any concerns regarding the information presented, please act within 14 days of receiving the notification and: First check your self-reported data, then report any IT or technical errors by contacting the My Aged Care service provider and assessor helpline on 1800 836 799. In the Guides and FAQs section, you will have access to training resources developed for Publication Preview, including training resources such as: Publication Preview User Guide, Frequently Asked Questions, Quick Reference Guide, and the Webinar recording. These resources can also be found on the department's website at, and search for “Publishing of aged care provider finance and operations information”, (we will come back to resources at the end of this video). The Finance and Operations: Publication Preview is available here. For this demonstration of GPMS the information presented is mock Finance and Operations: Publication Preview provider data. This is the main page for your Publication Preview. On the left is the sidebar navigation, You can access or preview these sections in any order. Provider organisation information, residential care services, or home care services. You can see that this approved provider delivers a mix of residential and home care services. By clicking the Download button you will be able to save and download a printable or PDF version of the selected Publication Preview for the provider organisation information. (Please note: residential or home care service Publication Preview downloads will need to be done separately). You will only be able to preview data for your provider, organisation and or service/s. We will now show you how to access the Publication Preview for your organisation and services using the sidebar navigation. We will work through: a Provider organisation example, a Residential Care service example, and then a Home Care service example. The finance and operations information, including both organisation-level and service level information, will be presented on My Aged Care at a service level in the Find a Provider tool. In preview, organisation level data is presented only once (rather than being replicated multiple times under each service).

Section 3

Publication Preview Home Page. Contextual information will accompany the data when it is published on My Aged Care, to help older people and their families understand the value and limitations of the information presented, particularly the financial information. This contextual information is not replicated in Publication Preview. Data in the Publication Preview on GPMS, has been sourced from a combination of multiple reporting sources, used by aged care providers when reporting to the department. These include: Approved Provider Operations (APO) data via a new Provider Operations Collection Form on GPMS, Aged Care Financial Report (ACFR) data, Quarterly Financial Reporting (QFR) data, and Aged Care Payment System (ACPS) data. (please note this is referred to as ACMPS in the Publication Preview). All the data sources will be shown in a purple pill next to the data presented in each section of the Publication Preview. This is intended to help providers cross-check the information against the data they have reported (if they wish). You can see the period of this publication preview here - this example includes reported data from: Quarter 4, 2022/23 (from quarterly financial reporting data), Annual data for the period 2022/23 (from provider operations reporting) and Aged Care Financial reporting data and annual stocktake data extracted from the Aged Care Payment System. You can also see when the data was last updated here. This is useful if you are updating any data at the source, or are yet to submit any quarterly or annual data.

Section 4

Approved Provider Details. Approved Provider Details, contains organisation-level information for the Approved Provider on: Wages, Provider finances (for Home Care providers), Key personnel, Performance report, and board diversity. The Wages section includes provider information on minimum, maximum and average wages paid to registered nurses, enrolled nurses, and personal care workers. Wages information is separated for home care and residential services. In each category, the provider’s information is compared against a sector average benchmark. In the case of wages data, this is the average wage paid by the median provider. As mentioned earlier, contextual information will accompany the information when it is published on My Aged Care. This will help older people and their families understand the value and limitations of the information presented, particularly the financial information. Now let's look at information on provider finances at the organisation level. As a reminder, this example provider delivers both Residential and Home Care services but note that the information presented at an organisational level is only for its Home Care services. If a provider only delivers Residential Care services then no provider finances information will be presented at the organisation level. Residential care data is shown at the individual facility level. We'll run through this later in the video. Under provider finances - there is information on the provider's annual expenditure on home care expenses, case management, administration and support and other expenses. Where it says “Expenditure breakdown”, you can click on the Accordion Arrow to see a more detailed breakdown of each expense category. If you roll over the pie chart, the percentage of each element is visible. This feature applies to all pie charts and donuts throughout the Publication Preview. Scrolling down further in this section, there is information on the provider's sources of income for its Home Care services. If you roll over the donut, the percentage of each element is visible. Where it says “Income breakdown”, you can click on the accordion arrow to see a more detailed breakdown of each income category. The provider's surplus or deficit position for Home Care is also displayed. The Approved Provider Details section also includes information about Key personnel and executive members of the organisation. This will show the names and roles of up to three key personnel. This information has been reported by the provider in the Provider Operations Collection Form. Scrolling down, you will see the Performance report. This will contain compliance information that has been reported by the provider in the Provider Operations Collection Form. The last item in the Approved Provided Details section is Board diversity. This information has been reported by the provider in the Provider Operations Collection Form.

Section 5

Residential Care Service. When you select a Residential Care service in the left sidebar, the Publication Preview will include information for that Residential Care service on: Food and preparation, Quarterly care and nursing expenditure, Annual financial information, Provider operations information and Service usage information. By clicking the Download button on the right you will be able to save and download a printable/PDF version of the Publication Preview for the selected Residential Care service. Under Food and preparation, information is included on: how much was spent on food, based on data drawn from the Quarterly Financial Report (or QFR). Note that this and other financial information for Residential Care services is presented in dollars per resident per day terms, to allow for easier comparisons between smaller and larger residential care services. Scrolling down you will see the information about Where food is prepared? This shows the percentage of food prepared onsite vs offsite. Information is also displayed about What to expect each day. This information, taken from the Quarterly Financial Report data, will show if breakfast, lunch and dinner are typically cooked fresh, from frozen or from chilled. If you roll over the donut, the percentage of each element is visible. Under Quarterly care and nursing, the residential care service’s quarterly expenditure on care and nursing costs is shown. Again, this is presented in per resident per day terms along with the sector average. Scrolling down the Quarterly care and nursing information shows the types and percentages of care and nursing costs per resident per day. This information is taken from the Quarterly Financial Report data. If you roll over the pie chart, the percentage of each element is visible. Where it says “Breakdown of Care and nursing (labour costs)”, you can click on the accordion arrow to see a more detailed breakdown of each care and nursing category for this provider (at a cost per resident per day). Under annual financial information, information is shown about where the residential care service gets its income from. This will show their total income for the last financial year, as well as the sector average. The sources of annual income are also shown using the following categories: Government funding, Resident contributions, and Other income. Should you wish to see more detail on the residential care service’s income sources, click on the accordion icon and more information will be seen for each income source. Scrolling down further, the residential care service’s annual expenditure information is displayed, indicating how much was spent in different areas. This will show total expenses for the last financial year as well as the sector average. Residential care services’ expenses will be broken down by: Care and nursing, Food and catering, Administration, Accommodation and maintenance; and Cleaning and laundry. Should you wish to see more detail on the residential care service’s expenditure items, click on the accordion icon and more information will be seen for each expenditure item. Scrolling down a bit further, is the surplus or deficit information. This shows by how much the Residential Care service’s budget was in surplus or deficit in the last financial year. In this mock example, the Residential Care service’s budget was in surplus of $8.88 per resident per day once expenses were subtracted from income. A negative figure would indicate a deficit amount. Under provider operations information, for this Residential Care service provider, we can see the status of their diversity and inclusion practices/policies, as reported in the Provider Operations Collection Form for the previous financial year. The statuses will be either In progress, Implemented or Not yet implemented. These will be updated at the next annual submission of Provider Operations Reporting via the Collection Form. The top three categories of Feedback, Complaints and Improvements respectively will be listed. These are as reported in the Provider Operations Collection Form for the previous financial year. Under Service Usage, this information shows the usage of the Residential Care service during the last year. This information includes the number of: Total residents in the last year, New residents who moved in, Residents who left the service, Note the responses are rounded into bands of 20 rather than exact numbers. Average occupancy information, is recorded as a percentage in bands of ten. For example, 91-100% band, rather than an exact percentage.

Section 6

Home Care Service. When you select a Home Care service in the left sidebar, the Publication Preview will include further information on the Home Care service’s Diversity, Feedback, Complaints and Improvements, and Service Usage. By clicking the Download button on the right you will be able to save and download a printable/PDF version of the selected Publication Preview for the selected Home Care service. For this Home Care service we can see the status of their diversity and inclusion practices and policies, as Reported in the Provider Operations Collection Form for the previous financial year. These statuses will be updated at the next annual submission of Provider Operations reporting via the Collection Form. Scrolling down, the top three categories of Feedback, Complaints and Improvements respectively will be listed for this Home Care service. These are as reported in the Provider Operations Collection Form for the previous financial year. Scrolling down further, this information shows the usage of the Home Care service or package in the last year. This information includes the number of: People receiving Home Care Packages, New people who received a package, or People no longer receiving packages. Their responses are rounded into bands of 20 if data is available (rather than exact numbers).

Section 7: Conclusion and Support. When accessing the Publication Preview, if any data is missing or incomplete, (for example, if it has not been reported or included in the dataset for that period), a data retrieval warning will pop up, indicating which data may be missing. Click OK to continue to generate the Publication Preview from the available data. The Publication Preview will always state which data is included (purple pills indicating sources of data). If data is missing, you should ensure you have submitted the missing data to the department. If the problem persists and you feel you have provided the required data, please contact the Aged Care service provider and assessor helpline on 1800 836 799. You will need the information from the data retrieval warning pop up when you call the helpline. This includes which source data is missing (for example QFR, ACFR, APO) and the line descriptors about the missing data (for example, Accommodation and Maintenance not found in the data, or Care Income not found in the data etc). You may like to take a screenshot of the data retrieval warning. When selecting a publication preview, if an error message pops up saying “an error has occurred while retrieving the necessary data, and we are unable to display the report at this time” please try again later. If the problem persists please contact the My Aged Care service provider and assessor helpline on 1800 836 799. Providers will have the opportunity to view their financial and operations information through GPMS prior to the publication on My Aged Care. It is not mandatory for providers to view their information prior to publication. However, it is a good opportunity for providers to have a look and get a feel for how their finance and operations information will be published on My Aged Care. It is important for providers to note that the presentation of information included in the Publication Preview, will be similar but not exactly the same as what will be published on My Aged Care. For example, the preview on GPMS will not include the contextual information that will be included on My Aged Care, this information will help older people understand the information. Should you have any concerns regarding the information presented in Publication Preview on GPMS, Please act by the end of the 14 day period to: check your self-reported data, and report any IT or technical errors to the My Aged Care service provider and assessor helpline on 1800 836 799. For more detailed information please refer to the Publishing of finance and operations information webpage available on our website. This includes training resources including FAQs, User guide, Quick Reference Guide, webinar recordings and videos. Contact the My Aged Care helpline toll free number on 1800 836 799.

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This video contains the following sections:

Section 1: Introduction

  • Greater transparency in aged care overview
  • Introduction to the Publication Preview video

Section 2: Access & Navigation

  • GPMS login
  • Provider operations reporting tile in GPMS
  • Home page
  • What’s new tab
  • Guides and FAQs tab
  • Publication Preview access
  • Side bar navigation

Section 3: Home Page

  • Publication Preview sections
  • Data sources
  • Preview period
  • Date last updated

Section 4: Approved Provider Details

  • Demonstration of Publication Preview - Approved Provider Details
  • Wages
  • Provider finances
  • Key personnel
  • Performance report
  • Board diversity

Section 5: Residential Care Service

  • Residential Care Service – Publication Preview
  • Food and preparation
  • Quarterly care and nursing
  • Annual financial information
  • Provider operations
  • Service usage

Section 6: Home Care Service

  • Home Care Service – Publication Preview
  • Diversity
  • Feedback, Complaints and Improvements
  • Service usage

Section 7: Conclusion and Support

  • Troubleshooting
  • Conclusion
  • Where to get more information

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