COVID-19 vaccination – Video – Community members talk about why they got their COVID-19 vaccine (English captions) – second edition

This video, in various languages, with English captions, shows culturally and linguistically diverse community members talk about why they got their COVID-19 vaccine.



I got vaccinated because it may protect

myself and my family from COVID-19.


I felt the need to do what I could to protect myself

my family and my environment from coronavirus.

It is well known that this virus is very contagious

and can have serious consequences for our health.


Firstly, it is my body, my life

so the choice is mine.

The reason for doing this was for my own safety

and also my family.


I got vaccinated because in my job I am in contact with vulnerable people

from the community such as the elderly and children.

Moreover, there are personal reasons.

My parents are old and my father has several health problems.

I know that by getting vaccinated I protect them too.


I took the vaccination since it affects my job.

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