COVID-19 vaccination – Video – Aunty Val and Lelani talk about COVID-19 vaccines

This video shows Aunty Val and Lelani sharing a cup of tea, talking about the COVID-19 vaccine. This video is produced for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander audiences.


Lelani: Mum, here's your cup of tea.

Aunty Val : Thank you.

Lelani: There you go. Beautiful. I've been talking to Auntie Jake.

Aunty Val: Yes?

Lelani: And she's going to have the COVID-19 needle.

Aunty Val: Oh, great.

Lelani: And you're going to have it, aye?

Aunty Val: Yes I think so.

Lelani: So it'd be deadly if you go together aye?

Aunty Val: We've always been together so yes, brings us closer.

Lelani: So I'll arrange for you to go and have the needle together. It’s very important that our elders are still here to hand down the culture, the song and the dance for generations and generations after you. Which your granny handed all down that knowledge to you, didn't she Mum.

Aunty Val: Yeah, whatever we know about culture she taught us.

Lelani: But know what I think I'm going to have my COVID-19 needle too, so I can be around too to hear all those deadly stories from you and Auntie Jake.

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