COVID-19 vaccination – Giving your consent – Auslan

Information in Auslan for people with disability about giving consent for COVID-19 vaccination


This video is about consent for the COVID-19 vaccine.

Consent means when you agree to something.

A vaccine is a medicine that can help stop you and others from getting sick.

You can ask someone for help to read this information.

This might be a family member, friend or support worker.

The COVID-19 vaccine can help stop you and others getting sick from COVID-19.

You take the COVID-19 vaccine as an injection.

Injection is when the vaccine is put into your body with a needle.

You will need to get the COVID-19 vaccine more than 1 time.

You can have a support person when you get the COVID-19 vaccine.

This might be a family member, friend or support worker.

A doctor or nurse can give you the COVID-19 vaccine.

When you get the COVID-19 vaccine they must always ask for your consent.

This means they will ask if you agree to get the vaccine.

The person who gives you the COVID-19 vaccine must tell you:

  • Why it is good to get the vaccine;
  • How it is safe;
  • What happens when you get it.

They might give you an info sheet to read about the COVID-19 vaccine.

They want to make sure you feel safe if you agree to the vaccine.

You can ask them questions about the

COVID-19 vaccine like:

  • Will it change any health problems I have now?
  • Are there any bad things that could happen to my body if I get it?
  • What will happen if I say no?
  • Can I still get sick after I get the COVID-19 vaccine?

You can choose if you agree to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

You can talk to your doctor about the COVID-19 vaccine before you choose.

There are different ways you can give consent to the COVID-19 vaccine.

You can:

  • Say yes;
  • Use sign language;
  • Use pictures;
  • Or sign a consent paper.

A guardian can give your consent if you can not give consent on your own.

A guardian is someone who can make choices for you.

A guardian might be a family member, a friend, or someone the government chose for you.

For more info about the COVID-19 vaccine

you can:

  • Call the Disability Gateway,
  • Call the National Coronavirus and COVID-19 Vaccine Helpline (press option 5),
  • Go to the Department of Health and Aged Care website.
  • You can call the Translating and Interpreting Service to get info from someone in your language.

You can call the National Relay Service if you are deaf or have problems with hearing.

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Note: The National Coronavirus Helpline and Easy Vaccine Access service are no longer in service.

For information about COVID-19 support services and resources including information on booking a vaccination, COVID-19 vaccines, testing, and other COVID-19 services, please visit

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