COVID-19 vaccination – Dr Mark Wenitong answers questions about COVID-19 vaccines for children aged 5-11 years

In this video, Dr Mark Wenitong answers the most common questions about COVID-19 vaccines for children aged 5 to 11 years.


We know the best protection from COVID-19 is getting vaccinated. But it’s natural for parents to have questions about giving their kids the jab. So I’m going to try and answer those questions for you.

I’ve heard that COVID isn’t as bad in kids so why do they need the vaccine?

COVID-19 is a serious illness that can affect everyone—including children. Vaccines can help stop your child becoming very sick, or even dying, if they catch the virus. Vaccines may also help protect against a serious inflammatory syndrome that can occur in a small number of children after they get COVID-19. Being vaccinated can also reduce the chances of passing the virus on to others. Which helps protect the whole community.

Are vaccines safe for kids?

Rest assured, all vaccines that have been approved for use in children have been rigorously tested before being given the seal of approval. So they’re fine for kids to get.

My daughter's scared of getting needles, how can we help her?

Healthcare workers are used to seeing kids who are scared of needles, and can help to make it less scary for them. Often, the calmer you are , the more calm they’ll be. It could help to bring a toy or friend. Distracting them can go a long way!

And how many vaccinations do kids have to get?

Kids are smaller than adults, so they get a smaller dose of the vaccine. Like all of us, however, they need more than one vaccine dose to stay up to date and get the best immunity.

Are there any side effects I need to worry about for my kids?

Like adults, kids might experience some mild side effects after their vaccine. Side effects are perfectly normal and are actually a sign that the vaccine is teaching your child’s body how to fight the virus. The sorts of things you’d see after any vaccination can include fever, chills, headache and soreness where they’ve been injected. They don’t happen to everyone, and they don’t usually last too long.

My kids have actually had COVID, so do they even need the vaccine?

Catching COVID-19 will give your child some immunity, but we’re not sure how much or for how long, so it’s important they still get vaccinated after they’ve recovered. This helps to further protect them for longer.

I’ve heard lots of scary stories of kids being harmed by vaccinations and I’m worried for my grand kids.

Fake stories and misinformation are unfortunately very common—especially on social media. But even if you know they’re not true, they can leave a scary picture in your mind. The safety of COVID-19 vaccines continue to be monitored in Australia and around the world. If you’re worried in any way, have questions or just want to yarn about getting your kids vaccinated, talk to your local healthcare worker.

You can also call the National Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 020 080. So help protect your kids, your family and your Mob, and get your kids vaccinated.

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Note: The National Coronavirus Helpline and Easy Vaccine Access service are no longer in service.

For information about COVID-19 support services and resources including information on booking a vaccination, COVID-19 vaccines, testing, and other COVID-19 services, please visit

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