Hey hey, this is Sean Choolburra.
It's important we stay connected with family, friends and communities.
Call people for a yarn on the phone, talk to the community and check if they're ok.
Talk about the virus and to stop the spread.
Connect to family and friends on social media.
Visit health.gov.au for the latest national medical advice.
Call your local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander medical service, or someone you trust in the community if you feel unwell.
Call the 24 hour National COVID-19 Hotline on 1800 020 080.
Visit www.niaa.gov.au for information about community closures.
Information about all support available from the Australian Government in response to COVID-19 is available at australia.gov.au.
Help our communities to stay healthy, strong and connected by sharing tips online, using the hashtag #keepourmobsafe and visit health.gov.au for the latest national medical advice.
Mob it's very important that we stay connected, we stay healthy, we stay deadly, and we'll all get through this.
Thank you, I'm Sean Choolburra signing out.
Sean Choolburra offers some tips to help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities stay healthy, strong and connected during the outbreak of COVID-19.
Note: The National Coronavirus Helpline and Easy Vaccine Access service are no longer in service.
For information about COVID-19 support services and resources including information on booking a vaccination, COVID-19 vaccines, testing, and other COVID-19 services, please visit healthdirect.org.au/covid.