I'm a general practitioner by training and for 30 years have worked with people with intellectual disability providing health care and also doing Education and
My team has developed a health CHAP assessment tool called the Comprehensive Health Assessment program or CHAP and the CHAP has been proven using the most rigorous scientific evidence to to pick up unmet Health needs in people with intellectual disability what we know is that there is lots of unmet health needs unmet health needs particularly in health promotion disease prevention but also diseases that are missed and poorly managed and the CHAP addresses some of that so it's really important that this process is done to improve the health of the almost half a million Australians with an intellectual disability now gather health story looking at the CHAP the way that it achieves this outcome is that the first part gathers the person's health story and the health story is really crucial it's absolutely crucial but we know all about your health Journey whether you've had a cough in the last year for example what your medications are a whole bunch of other things that may have happened to you any past diseases and it tries to gather those in a way that's accessible for the GP whether the practice Earth is possible to review the health then in list of commonly unmet health needs the middle of the tool it actually has a list of the commonly unmet Health needs and this is to inform everybody involved because it's important that people think about disability and their family and supporters and the GP and practitioners know where the where things can be missed and can eject their attention try to pick up those things if that's true for the person they're seeing second part of the CHAP is filled right by the GP and supported by the practice nurse and the second part of the champ supports them to look at all the possible unmet Health needs and provide some information as well once that is done then there is an action plan where there's an agreement between the person with disability and the people that are supporting them if that's the case and the and the GP and practice nurse about disability support staff what needs to happen next now for disability support staff and people with disabilities this may mean going getting your teeth checked or getting your hearing and vision checked it may be going you're getting investigation and so it tries to deliver those health professionals things it might also be going to see a Specialists or an Allied Health professional so it tries to do a whole bunch of things in terms of decreasing the barriers to healthcare and we know from the research that it actually achieves that outcome thank you for watching this video and please engage
With the process of the CHAP as it will provide a framework of care and a way forward for people with intellectual disabilities their family and supporters and their health care providers and try to diminish many of the barriers and lead to a better health outcomes thank you foreign