Careers in mental health – interview with Applied Behaviour Analyst and Lifeline Volunteer Iqra Syed

Hear from Applied Behaviour Analyst and Lifeline Volunteer Iqra Syed about the insights into the reality of work within the mental health sector industry.


Hi. My name is Iqra. I love exercise, I have a degree in Psychology, I am an ABA Therapist and a Crisis Supporter at Lifeline.

I would highly recommend psychology as a career path for a school leaver, and that's for many reasons.

On one hand, the field is growing. There is such a high demand for psychology jobs. It's so rewarding.

You learn how to show empathy, kindness, not just to others but to yourself as well. You learn about why people behave in the ways they do.

And so even if somebody chooses later on down the track that they don't want a career in psychology, a degree in psychology gives them so many skills that they can apply in all aspects of life.

The advice I would give is to get some experience. Although I have a degree in psychology, a lot of my experience and awareness about the mental health sector was from Lifeline. By engaging in others and actually seeing the struggles people face.

I chose to be an ABA Therapist and a Lifeline Telephone Crisis Supporter because it does really make a difference in both roles you see somebody go from such a heightened emotional state where they're struggling and panicking and by working with them, you can bring them to a place of peace and calmness and there's nothing more satisfying than that.

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Read our fact sheet with Applied Behaviour Analyst and Lifeline Volunteer Iqra Syed, to learn more about a career in mental health.

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