Professor Jennifer Tieman, Training Provider, CareSearch and PalliAGED: Nurses are the largest workforce we have. They will be dealing with people who will be in the last months of their life.
For them, being well trained will help them feel confident in issues like advance care planning, in pain and symptom management, in communication and in the realities of organising for the end of life.
Associate Professor Kim Devery, Training Provider, End of Life Essentials (EOLE): Training makes a huge amount of difference for the patient and the family. They're empowered. They've got the information they need to make choices at the end of their life.
By engaging with training, you can increase your knowledge and ensure that you're delivering safe and quality palliative and end of life care for the patients that come to your service.
Text on screen: Free palliative care education and training is available to all nurses. Find out more at