Annual health check for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people – Video – Pika Wiya Health Service case study

This video shows the work of the Pika Wiya Health Service, to encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to have their free annual health check.


Julia Vnuk, doctor

It's really important for people to have a health check regularly.

The government suggests it every nine to 12 months, which is really good.

It's really good for people to get into a habit of having regular health checks.

Mary Allen, mum

When I had my health checked, I felt really good 'cause I knew everything was on track and I was healthy.

Kerryn Dadleh, Aboriginal health practitioner

With a 715, I do the blood pressure, BTL, height, weight, urine test, a lot of questions around social and emotional wellbeing, smoking, diet, and after I complete my section

I pass it on to a doctor.

Julia Vnuk

So often as part of the health check, we'll look at how people's health is at the moment, and give them some education around how to improve their health, maintain the health that they've got.

And then it's also an opportunity to pick up early signs or early indications of illnesses like diabetes, kidney disease, high blood pressure, things like that, things you might not know you've got until you have some sort of test or investigation.

Mary Allen

It's important for me and my baby to have regular health checks.

It's good coming to Pika Wiya, because they care and they check up on you.

We see a lot of women here who are very busy, and they put their health last, because they're thinking about everybody else.

And so if you're with a health service that you trust and that knows you and knows your family, there's times in women's lives often that they start to think about themselves.

When women are pregnant or when their children have left home or at other crisis times in their life, sometimes it makes people think about their own health and what they want to do to improve it and maintain it.

And we're there then to be there and support women at that time.

Kerryn Dadleh

Pika Wiya helps mothers and babies stay healthy by providing a medial service that is friendly and safe.

Mary Allen

So for the people who haven't had heath checks, I would say get one today.

Julia Vnuk

Your health is in your hands. Have your 715 health check today.

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