90 second animation – Meningococcal ACWY vaccine

Meningococcal disease is rare, but very serious, and you can protect yourself from it. The Meningococcal ACWY vaccine is provided free in schools for young people in year 10.


Meningococcal disease is rare, but very serious,

and you can protect yourself from it.

The Meningococcal ACWY vaccine helps protect against disease caused by four common types of meningococcal bacteria – A, C, W and Y.

Meningococcal disease occurs when meningococcal bacteria commonly found in the nose,

Or throat,

Invades the body and causes serious disease.

It’s more common for older teenagers,

and young adults to carry the bacteria,

and spread it to others.

Although the majority of people will recover if the infection is diagnosed early,

the disease can cause complications,

that may result in permanent disabilities,

through limb loss, deafness, blindness, scarring, kidney or liver failure, and sometimes,

it can even cause death.

The vaccine is provided free in schools for young people in year 10.

And if you did not receive the vaccine at school,

there’s no need to worry,

speak to your GP or school based immunisation provider about how you can catch up.

The vaccine is free up to 19 years of age.

In Australia, all vaccines,

must meet very high safety standards.

Like with all vaccines,

a small number of people can have a reaction.

These are usually mild though,

and can include soreness, and swelling or redness at the injection site

If you have any concerns, seek medical advice.

Meningococcal disease is serious,

but the good news is you can be protected.

To get your vaccine, all you need to do is return your consent form to your school,

after it’s been signed by your parent or guardian.

Meningococcal disease is rare but very serious.

Protect yourself. Get the ACWY vaccine.

To find out more, visit www.health.gov.au/immunisation

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Meningococcal disease is rare, but very serious, and you can protect yourself from it. The Meningococcal ACWY vaccine is provided free in schools for young people in year 10. If you did not receive the vaccine at school, speak to your GP or school based immunisation provider about how you can catch up.

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