Syphilis roundtable, 22 October 2021 – MACBBVSTI recommendations

This document contains the recommendations made at the Ministerial Advisory Committee on Blood Borne Viruses and Sexually Transmissible Infections (MACBBVSTI) Syphilis roundtable on 22 October 2021 .


Syphilis roundtable, 22 October 2021 – MACBBVSTI recommendations

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While progress in the management of sexually transmissible infections (STIs) has been made in recent years, there are persistent and emerging issues as syphilis remains a public health challenge. 

On 22 October 2021, MACBBVSTI convened to discuss the emerging trends and issues relating to syphilis. Recommendations from the roundtable serve to support further consideration by governments and the sector on next steps to address the situation.

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