Shield yourself from shingles – DL brochure 7
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Shield yourself from shingles
Are you 65 or older?
Talk to your health professional about getting the shingles vaccine for free.
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Shield yourself from shingles. Talk to your health professional about your eligibility for the free vaccine today.
What is shingles?
Shingles is a viral infection that can be really nasty; especially as you get older or if your immune system is weak.
Did you know that one in three people will get shingles in their lifetime? If you had chickenpox as a child, you can get shingles as an adult.
It can:
- cause a painful, blistering rash
- bring on sudden and intense pain that can last for months
- be very severe and debilitating
- lead to serious illness in some cases.
Shield yourself from shingles
Vaccination is a safe and effective way to protect yourself from shingles.
Shingles vaccination is available for free for:
- people aged 65 or older
- Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people aged 50 or older
- immunocompromised people aged 18 years or older with eligible medical conditions.
For more information visit