Residential aged care residents COVID-19 vaccination rates – 11 October 2024

This table provides COVID-19 vaccination rates of aged care residents by facility across Australia over the past 12 months, using data from the Australian Immunisation Register.


Residential aged care residents COVID-19 vaccination rates – 11 October 2024

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General public

This downloadable table provides COVID-19 vaccination rates of aged care residents at each Commonwealth funded residential aged care home across Australia over the past 6 and 12-month periods, using data from the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) as at 11 October 2024. 

To protect the personal information of individuals:

  • The vaccination rate for each aged care home is displayed within a range (for example 90–100%)
  • A band width is based on the number of residents at that residential aged care facility who can be linked to their vaccination records
  • Larger percentage bands are used when reporting vaccination rates for residential aged care facilities with 10 or fewer linked residents
  • Data for facilities with fewer than 5 linked residents are not included.

Understanding the data: 

  • To identify vaccination rates at an aged care facility, the Department undertakes a process where AIR data is linked to aged care resident data (31 May 2024).
    • Noting two different data sets are required, there are some delays in the time period of the data.
    • While the Department is actively working to achieve more regular linkage of the data sets, the current arrangements ensure an appropriate rate of resident linkage and reduces the risk of over-estimation (and under-estimation) of the vaccination rates.
  • This will only include residents who can be linked to their vaccination records. Approximately 95.9% of aged care residents can be linked to their vaccination records.
  • Resident COVID-19 vaccination includes any dose number administered to a resident over the past 6 and 12 months. This may be a resident’s first does or fifth dose for example.
  • Reporting to AIR is mandatory. However, delays may exist between the administration of the vaccine and updating of records in the AIR by vaccination providers.  
  • Residents who have not consented to receive a vaccination, or who are not clinically suitable to receive a vaccination, are included in the data. 

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