Primary Health Networks (PHN) primary mental health care guidance – low-intensity mental health services for early intervention

This guidance document provides advice to Primary Health Networks (PHNs) on developing or commissioning low-intensity mental health services to form an integrated part of a stepped care system.


Primary Health Networks (PHN) primary mental health care guidance – low intensity mental health services for early intervention

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Publication date:
Date last updated:
Publication type:
Health sector

This document includes: 

  • Why is this a priority activity for PHNs?
  • What are low intensity services?
  • What low intensity services are in scope for PHN commissioned activities?
  • What is expected of PHNs?
  • Performance indicators
  • What flexibilities do PHNs have?
  • Safety and quality of services
  • Critical success factors for low intensity services
  • Consumer participation
  • Useful resources.

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