New Arrangements for Aged Care from 1 July 2014 – Home Care

This document is for home care providers to give to prospective care recipients. You must give this document to people on pre-1 July 2014 fee arrangements who intend to move to your service. It provides information about how moving to a new provider may affect a person’s fees.


New Arrangements for Aged Care from 1 July 2014 – Home Care

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Publication type:
Fact sheet
Health sector

This document explains the fee arrangements that started on 1 July 2014. Under section 21 of the User Rights Principles 2014, you must give this document to continuing home care recipients who intend to move to your service. 

It outlines the fee arrangements that will apply if a person on pre-1 July 2014 fee arrangements changes providers and: 

  • does not enter into a new home care agreement within 28 days 
  • enters into a new agreement within 28 days. 

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