National Service Model: Head to Health assessment and referral phone service

The Head to Health phone service provides assessment and navigation to connect people to the right mental health services for them. This service model outlines how the Head to Health phone service will be delivered in all Primary Health Network regions in a nationally consistent way.


National Service Model: Head to Health assessment and referral phone service

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Health sector

The Head to Health phone service will operate nationally from 1 July 2022, providing a free, easy entry point into and between mental health services. The Primary Health Networks will deliver the phone services to meet the local needs and the core features of the national service model.

The Head to Health phone service focus is to connect people to the right level of care, at the right time. It will link into Head to Health centres, satellites and the Head to Health website to create different entry points of mental health support. Providing multiple entry points will allow people to use the services that best meet their needs in a way that they prefer. GPs, psychiatrists, and other health professionals can also use the phone service to find care options for their patients.

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