National Mental Health Policy 2008
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Strategy or framework
General public
The vision of the National Mental Health Policy 2008 is for a mental health
system that:
- enables recovery
- prevents and detects mental illness early
- ensures that all Australians with a mental illness can access effective and appropriate treatment and community support to enable them to participate fully in the community.
The National Mental Health Policy 2008 provides a strategic vision for further whole-of-government mental health reform in Australia.
The aims of the National Mental Health Policy 2008 are to:
- promote the mental health and wellbeing of the Australian community and, where possible, prevent the development of mental health problems and mental illness
- reduce the impact of mental health problems and mental illness, including the effects of stigma on individuals, families and the community
- promote recovery from mental health problems and mental illness
- assure the rights of people with mental health problems and mental illness, and enable them to participate meaningfully in society.