National Immunisation Research — Qualitative (2016) and quantitative (2017) research reports

Research reports on qualitative and quantitative research conducted on attitudes and behaviours regarding childhood and adult immunisation:


National Immunisation Research – Qualitative (2016) research report

National Immunisation Research – Quantitative (2017) research report

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Health sector

Two reports by Snapcracker Research + Strategy on research to identify immunisation information needs:

  • The qualitative research report (2016) is on knowledge, behaviour and intentions regarding immunisation among parents of children aged 0-12 years and adults aged 70+ years, including information needs, gaps and overall preferences.
  • The quantitative research report (2017) validates and builds on the findings of the qualitative research report.

The research identified a number of attitudinal and behavioural typologies of parents regarding childhood immunisation and adults aged 70 years and over regarding their own vaccination.

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