National Immunisation Education Framework for Health Professionals

The National Immunisation Education Framework for Health Professionals assists in the development of nationally consistent, high quality immunisation education programs for Health Professionals.


National Immunisation Education Framework for Health Professionals

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Health sector

The National Immunisation Education Framework for Health Professionals (the National Framework) updates the National Guidelines for Immunisation Education for Registered Nurses and Midwives (the National Guidelines) endorsed by the National Immunisation Committee in the year 2000.

The National Framework sets an agreed benchmark for immunisation education programs to meet in order to be consistent, considered as a nationally recognised program, and support transferability of qualifications across states and territories.

Through a nationally agreed set of core standards, the National Framework aims to ensure the provision of high quality immunisation education programs for health professionals who are not medical practitioners but are seeking authorisation to possess and administer vaccines without a medical order.

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