National Health Genomics Policy Framework 2018–2021

Genomics has the potential to improve the health of all Australians by helping doctors prevent, diagnose, treat and monitor diseases. This framework provides a nationally consistent approach to policy, regulatory and investment decisions about integrating genomics into our health system.


National Health Genomics Policy Framework 2018–2021

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Strategy or framework
General public

The National Health Genomics Policy Framework is a blueprint to embed genomics in the Australian health system.

The purpose of the framework is to:

  • establish a high-level policy document to guide government activity across public genomics policy
  • help mainstream genomic services to deliver better health outcomes
  • raise ethical, legal and social issues to do with genomics
  • ensure policy-makers consider ethical, legal and social issues when developing or implementing public policy and research
  • provide national leadership for embedding genomics in the Australian health system.

The framework outlines 5 strategic priorities and identifies priority action areas for each.

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