Medicare Benefits Schedule Review Taskforce final report

This final report outlines the taskforce’s approach and its key achievements, with continuous review and reform to improve the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS).


An MBS for the 21st century – recommendations, learnings and ideas for the future

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Health sector

The MBS Review Taskforce recommends implementing all MBS review recommendations made to date, and makes further key recommendations centred on: 

  • embedding a consumer-centric focus in the MBS and in any future changes
  • improving monitoring, so data and research can be used to support practitioners in delivering care and underpin future changes to the MBS
  • rebalancing healthcare financing from near-exclusive reliance on ‘fee-for-service’ to complementing with ‘block’ and ‘blended’ payments in order to support more clinically appropriate modes of patient care
  • reviewing continuously to assure the patient and community that safe, high-quality and high-value care is provided by the MBS.

We have published all the taskforce's reports to government in our collection: MBS Review – Final taskforce reports, findings and recommendations.

These documents show the almost 1,400 recommendations that the taskforce provided to the Australian Government for its consideration and response.


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