Evaluation of the Australian Family Partnership Program (AFPP) – Evaluation Reports 2021-24

This evaluation captures AFPP outcomes and it’s impact on the health and wellbeing of participating families, and identifies areas for improvement.


AFPP Evaluation 2021-24 Final Report Executive Summary

AFPP Evaluation 2021-24 – Case Studies

AFPP Evaluation 2021-24 – Client summary/fact sheet

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General public

On 8 June 2021, the Department engaged Urbis in partnership with Cox Inall Ridgeway to conduct an evaluation of the AFPP over 3 years (2021-22 to 2023-24).  

The AFPP is a nurse-led home visiting program designed to improve health outcomes for First Nations families by supporting women pregnant with a First Nations baby from pregnancy through until their child is two years old. 

The Evaluation captures AFPP outcomes, the AFPP’s impact on the health and wellbeing of participating families, and identify areas for improvement. The Evaluation also presented 5 case studies which demonstrate the implementation and impacts of the AFPP across a breadth of settings, including supporting family preservation and reunification during child protection involvement; and support for pregnant women in the criminal justice system.

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