Protect yourself and stay healthy – square
Protect yourself against infections from viruses like #COVID19 and stay healthy by keeping #uptodate with your COVID-19 vaccines.
Did you know? It’s safe to get your COVID-19 and flu vaccines at the same time. Book your vaccinations today with your healthcare worker.
Protect yourself and stay healthy – landscape
Fit and healthy people still need the COVID-19 vaccine – square
#COVID19 is a highly infectious disease. Being young, fit and healthy doesn’t mean you won’t get sick or experience long-term health effects from the virus.
By July 2022, over half of the 240,000 COVID-19 cases among First Nations people have been people aged under 30 years. That is more than 135,000 young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Getting your COVID-19 #vaccine is a great way to help your community and keep you well. To make an appointment to get your next vaccine dose today at
Fit and healthy people still need the COVID-19 vaccine – landscape
Protect yourself from long COVID – square
Recovering from #COVID19 is different for everybody. It can depend on how sick you were, and if you have other existing health conditions.
Sometimes COVID-19 causes a person to feel unwell for many weeks or months after they first become sick. This is called ‘long COVID’.
There is evidence that COVID-19 #vaccines will help reduce the chance of you experiencing long COVID. Keeping up to date with your COVID-19 vaccines will help protect you from #longCOVID.
Book your COVID-19 vaccine by visiting
Protect yourself from long COVID – landscape
COVID-19 vaccines protect you from getting really sick – square
#COVID19 vaccines work by training your body to recognise and fight the virus that causes COVID-19. It doesn’t mean you can’t get COVID-19, but it reduces how sick you can get.
The vaccine cannot give you COVID-19. The COVID-19 vaccines will not change your genes or your DNA in any way.
COVID-19 vaccines protect you from getting really sick – landscape
The COVID-19 vaccines help pregnant women and their unborn babies – square
Anytime is a good time for #pregnant women to get vaccinated against COVID-19.
#COVID19 vaccines can help protect pregnant women and their babies from getting very sick.
If you are pregnant, speak to your doctor about vaccination or visit
The COVID-19 vaccines help pregnant women and their unborn babies – landscape
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