Budget 2019–20: Investing in Health and Medical Research – Channel Nine Queensland telethon

This Budget fact sheet outlines how the Government will support lifesaving research into new treatments and cures for childhood life threatening diseases with a $2 million contribution to the annual Channel Nine Queensland telethon, which raises money for the Children’s Hospital Foundation.


Investing in Health and Medical Research – Channel Nine Queensland telethon

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Fact sheet
General public

The Government will support lifesaving research into new treatments and cures for childhood life threatening diseases with a $2 million contribution to the annual Channel Nine Queensland telethon, which raises money for the Children’s Hospital Foundation. This will enable research into children’s diseases such as brain cancer, respiratory diseases, infectious diseases, Indigenous health research and paediatric intensive care. Money raised will also be used to provide equipment, resources, care and entertainment for sick children and their families in Queensland hospitals.

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