Budget 2019–20: Implementing Sport 2030 – expansion of the Hall of Fame mentoring program

This Budget fact sheet outlines how the Government will expand the Sport Australia Hall of Fame mentoring program that partners Australia’s sporting heroes – Hall of Fame members – with young Australians who aspire to represent their country.


Implementing Sport 2030 – expansion of the Hall of Fame mentoring program

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Fact sheet
General public

The Government will expand the Sport Australia Hall of Fame mentoring program that partners Australia’s sporting heroes – Hall of Fame members – with young Australians who aspire to represent their country. Each year, 30 scholarships of $5,000 each will be awarded to athletes under the age of 21 who are competing at a minimum of international junior level in their chosen sport. This is an additional 25 scholarships per year.

Scholarship benefits include one-on-one mentoring from an inducted Hall of Fame member for 14 months, in addition to a one-off $5,000 sporting grant.

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