Budget 2019–20: Guaranteeing Medicare – improved patient access to diagnostic imaging

This Budget fact sheet outlines how the Government will make diagnostic services more affordable and accessible for millions of Australians.


Guaranteeing Medicare – improved patient access to diagnostic imaging

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Fact sheet
General public

From 1 July 2020, the Government will increase the Medicare rebate for all diagnostic radiology and ultrasounds ($198.6 million). From 1 November this year, it will enable breast cancer patients to claim PET and MRI scans under Medicare ($32.6 million), saving patients up to $1,500. It has also invested in over 50 more Medicare-eligible MRI units around the country in the past 12 months ($375 million). 

Diagnostic imaging is a critical part of modern medicine. Giving people more affordable access to quality diagnostic imaging services will save lives. The right scans and tests are crucial for both patients and doctors when deciding the best treatment options. This initiative will keep the cost of health care down for individuals and families, and help them in the fight against diseases such as cancer.

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