Australian National Diabetes Strategy 2021-2030

The Australian Government has developed a new national diabetes strategy. This strategy updates and prioritises the response to diabetes for all governments.


Australian National Diabetes Strategy 2021-2030

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Publication date:
Publication type:
Strategy or framework
General public

The Australian National Diabetes Strategy 2021–2030 (the Strategy):

  • considers current approaches to diabetes services and care;
  • considers the role of governments and the diabetes sector;
  • ensures current efforts and investments align with identified needs;
  • maximises the efficient use of health care resources and
  • articulates a vision for preventing, detecting and managing diabetes.

It is anticipated that a mid-term review will be undertaken in 2025 or when substantial change in the evidence base warrants it.

An Implementation Plan and indicators for measuring progress will accompany the Strategy, building on the approach taken for the 2016–2020 Strategy. These will be developed in collaboration with stakeholders across all levels of governments, the health sector and relevant organisations. Progress against the Implementation Plan will be reviewed throughout the life of the Strategy.

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