ATAGI Guiding Principles for maintaining immunisation services during COVID-19 pandemic

Guiding Principles for maintaining immunisation services during the COVID-19 pandemic.


ATAGI Guiding Principles for maintaining immunisation services during COVID-19 pandemic

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Publication type:
Fact sheet
Health sector

Immunisation providers will need to adapt their procedures and practice to comply with measures in place, including physical distancing, to reduce the transmission of COVID-19. This is to ensure that immunisation services can continue to be conducted safely without exposing healthcare workers, vaccinees, their caregivers and the wider community to undue risk.

Immunisation protects individuals and the community from vaccine preventable diseases (VPDs). If scheduled vaccine doses are missed or delayed, or overall vaccination coverage rates are diminished, there is a risk of resurgence of some well-controlled VPDs or outbreaks of some VPDs, such as measles, during and/or after the COVID-19 pandemic. This will put further strain on the healthcare system.

Importantly, preventing influenza through vaccination is essential in reducing strain on the healthcare system.

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