Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Curriculum Framework

The framework is a set of resources for implementing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health curricula. It helps higher education providers develop curricula for their health programs. It also allows regulation authorities to assess the curricula.


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Curriculum Framework

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Strategy or framework
General public

A wide range of stakeholders guided the development of the framework. It aims to prepare graduates across health professions to provide culturally safe health services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.  

There are four sections in the framework: 

  1. Background – context of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and curricula. 

  2. The Elements – resources that align implementation of health curricula with learning outcomes. 

  3. Implementation – resources to assist higher education providers to put in place health curricula. 

  4. Accreditation – suggestions for accreditation bodies in defining criteria to track implementation.  

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