FOI request 913 – Advice on PBS arrangements

Information released on this page include Australian Healthcare Associates (AHA) advice on Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) arrangements


Report – AHA report on SPA administrator operations

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FOI number:
FOI release date:
Publication type:
General public

The AHA provided a range of services to the Department regarding the development of potential changes to the PBS payment and reconciliation arrangements. This document describes how an administrator may operate and interact with the supply chain under the Special Pricing Arrangements (SPA). It includes:

  • Project background
  • Flowchart: PBS supply chain solution (model A, B, C, D and E)
  • SPA administrator – concept of operations
  • Description of Potential SPA Supply Models
  • Portal mock-ups
    • Model 1. Data available to Pharmacy
    • Model 2: Data available to wholesalers
    • Model 3: data available to manufacture

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