FOI request 1130 – Correspondence relating to the WADA meeting in Montreal

Information being released on this page contains a Ministerial submission, an email and an agenda paper for World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) meeting in Montreal in 2015


Ministerial submission –  ASADA CEO – Travel and acting arrangements

Correspondence – Email between Department of Health and Minister Ley’s Office

Agenda paper – WADA Foundation Board meeting

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FOI number:
FOI release date:
Publication type:
General public

This request looks at a Ministerial submission, correspondence between the Minister’s Officer and the Department of Health and an agenda paper regarding a meeting in Montreal in 2015. The documents include:

  1. Ministerial submission – Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority, Chief Executive Officer (ASADA CEO) – Travel and acting arrangements
  2. Correspondence – email between Department of Health and Minister Ley’s Office
  3. Agenda paper – WADA foundation board meeting (13 May 2015)

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