FOI 5069 – Documents concerning Vyvanse

This FOI request is for documents concerning section 19A approvals for Vyvanse


FOI 5069 – Documents concerning Vyvanse

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FOI number:
FOI release date:
Publication type:
General public

This request includes 2 documents:

  1. Document: Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 Approval under subsection 19A(1) – Notice of approval for the importation and supply of specified therapeutic goods
  2. Letter by Medsurge Healthcare on the Shortage of VYVANSE lisdexamfetamine dimesilate 50mg capsule bottle (AUST R: 199226), VYVANSE lisdexamfetamine dimesilate 60 mg capsules bottle (AUST R: 284021) and alternate supply arrangement under Section 19A of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989

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