FOI 5030 – LGBTQIA+ Expert Advisory Group

Documents relating to the appointment of the LGBTQIA+ Expert Advisory Group and whether conflict of interest was undertaken for each appointed member.


FOI 5030 – LGBTQIA+ Expert Advisory Group

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FOI number:
FOI release date:
Publication type:
General public

Information regarding the appointment of members to the LGBTQIA+ Health and Wellbeing 10 Year Action Plan Expert Advisory Group, specifically: 

  1. Whether an assessment of conflicts of interest was undertaken for each of the appointed members of the group.
  2. If an assessment was undertaken, copies of any relevant documents related to these assessments, excluding any personal information of the appointees.
  3. The selection criteria and qualifications sought for the positions appointed to the group.  
  4. Any documents outlining the appointment process for the group, excluding any personal information of the nominees.

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