FOI 4025IC – Information Commissioner – DTA – CovidSafe app documents

This FOI request are for documents held by the Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) relating to the COVIDSafe contact tracing app and/or involvement of Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and associated company Boston Consulting Group Digital Ventures (BCGDV) during the contract period (16 Apr & 22 May 20)


FOI 4025IC – Information Commissioner – DTA – CovidSafe app documents

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FOI number:
4025 IC–2025
FOI release date:
Publication type:
General public

Documents held by the DTA relating to the COVIDSafe contact tracing app and/or involvement of Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and associated company Boston Consulting Group Digital Ventures (BCGDV) in its development during the contract period (16 April 2020 and 22 May 2020).

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