FOI 2331 – release of documents – Safety of 5G technology

This FOI are documents related to the Chief Medical Officer's statement that 5G technology is safe and not hazardous to human health.


Email from the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency to the Department of Health and attached edited draft Chief Medical Officer’s Statement

Emails between the Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association and the Chief Medical Officer including a letter and facts sheets

Interdepartmental email with attached draft Media Release regarding new program to address concerns about electromagnetic energy

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FOI number:
FOI release date:
Publication type:
General public

This request captured emails and letters between the relevant area of the department and internal and external stakeholders regarding the development of the Department of Health’s position on the safety of 5G technology.

To read the previously released document refer to: FOI 2331 – release documents – Scientific studies 5G is safe.


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