Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) wellness and reablement resources

Our collection of practical guides and tools for Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) providers will help you embed wellness and reablement approaches into your service delivery.

Practical guides

  • Practical guide for embedding wellness and reablement into service delivery

    This practical guide is for all CHSP organisations. It covers to support their intake processes, develop care plans, and deliver support focussing on client strengths to continue living at home as independently as they can.

  • Care planning checklist

    Sets out the principles of effective care planning and includes a checklist to step out the client requirements. For example, their circumstances, goal, actions (and who is responsible: the client, family or carer, or the service provider), the frequency of services and review dates.

  • Conversational tips

    How to have a conversation on wellness and reablement with the client (without using the word reablement) by instead defining and illustrating your delivery approach and how doing with, rather than for, can benefit the client. Includes benefits to clients, their carers’ and/or families.

  • Identifying opportunities for reablement

    Guidance to introduce reablement practices into everyday service delivery to help empower clients do what they can for themselves. This may involve different ways of doing a task or offering choices, which can increase confidence and motivation, in turn linking to increased social connectedness.

  • More good days wellness wheel

    Outlines a whole-of-person approach across three key areas of wellness: mind, body, and social connectedness. Includes sample questions to gain an understanding of what is important to the client, so that with the information in the assessment, an individualised care plan can be developed.

  • Principles of wellness and reablement

    A one-page document explaining the concept of wellness and reablement for CHSP support workers. It identifies eight underlying elements - or key principles - of wellness and reablement, including how these can be applied to an overall service delivery approach with their clients.

  • Principles for goal setting

    In developing person-centred goals for clients, there is no one-size-fits all but there are certain guiding principles that can help you develop individual goals for your clients. The SMARTA approach is demonstrated with examples for each element, including a goal-setting checklist.

  • Service delivery reflection template

    Through questions, this template aims to develop a greater understanding of the effectiveness of service delivery techniques in shifting towards wellness and reablement by considering what worked well, if there were barriers, what were they and what could be done differently to support clients.


  • Toolkit for embedding wellness and reablement into your organisation

    Provides CHSP managers with support to implement change at an organisational level to embed, review and establish continuous improvement mechanisms on wellness and reablement. The toolkit is designed for use with the Practical Guide to Embed Wellness and Reablement which focuses on service delivery.

  • Change management plan step-by-step guide

    Designed as a practical tool to assist CHSP management teams to plan and undertake change activities within your organisation. It provides a process to systematically identify and capture change activities through a change management template and provides examples to help get started.

  • Continuous improvement template

    This template steps out guidance on how to incrementally review, plan and deploy improvements within your CHSP organisation. Continuous improvement is cyclical and changes should be continuously reviewed and evaluated to ensure they are fit-for-purpose and will meet your organisational needs.

  • Organisational culture checklist

    While organisations have their own style and way of doing things, every CHSP must actively adopt wellness and reablement approaches, as this is the foundation of the broader program. This checklist helps to review how your organisation has embedded a culture supporting wellness and reablement.

  • Organisational self-assessment tool

    The self-assessment provides an overview of the elements you need to adopt wellness and reablement in your CHSP. It includes scoring to measure the current level of organisational readiness, helps to identify areas of focus or improvement, and enables a baseline to be developed for future progress.

  • Standard operating procedure template

    Standard operating procedures (SOP) provide an ability to define the steps and processes required to undertake a given activity. This can be critical in setting team expectations and to identify the requirements - such as training or coaching – needed to complete the SOP.

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