MBS Review – Final taskforce reports, findings and recommendations

This collection contains all the final reports, findings and recommendations from the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) Review Taskforce to the Australian Government.

Collection description

This collection contains links to all the final reports, findings and recommendations agreed by the MBS Review Taskforce across all specialties as part of the MBS Review.  

These documents contain almost 1,400 recommendations that the taskforce provided to the Australian Government for its consideration and response. 

Taskforce recommendations are expressed in the following formats: 

  • Taskforce final reports are available for most specialties. These provide detailed recommendations and rationales. 
  • Taskforce-endorsed reports contain recommendations and agreed rationales, when the taskforce endorsed clinical committee reports (for example, Anaesthesia). 
  • Taskforce findings are provided for most specialties. These provide a summary of the recommendations agreed by the taskforce.  
  • Taskforce recommendations were provided for Primary Care and Telehealth. These list taskforce recommendations, as well as varying degrees of supporting information (including rationale). 

Overarching taskforce reports

Obsolete items

Taskforce recommendations by clinical area

Anaesthesia Clinical Committee

Blood Products Working Group

Cardiac Services Clinical Committee

Cleft Dental Services – Category 7 Clinical Committee

Colorectal Surgery Clinical Committee

Consumer Panel Clinical Committee

Dermatology, Allergy and Immunology Clinical Committee

Diagnostic Imaging Clinical Committee

Diagnostic Medicine Clinical Committee

Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery Clinical Committee

Eating Disorders Working Group

Endocrinology Clinical Committee

Gastroenterology Clinical Committee

General Surgery

Gynaecology Clinical Committee

Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine Clinical Committee

Neurosurgery and Neurology Clinical Committee

Obstetrics Clinical Committee

Oncology Clinical Committee

Ophthalmology Clinical Committee

Optometry Clinical Committee

Orthopaedic Clinical Committee

Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery Clinical Committee

Paediatric Surgery Clinical Committee

Pain Management Clinical Committee

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Clinical Committee

Principles and Rules Committee

Primary Care – overarching reports

Primary Care – clinical committee and reference groups reports

Psychiatry Clinical Committee

Renal Medicine Clinical Committee

Specialist and Consultant Physician Consultation Clinical Committee

Spinal Surgery Clinical Committee


Thoracic Medicine Clinical Committee

Thoracic Surgery Clinical Committee

Urgent After-Hours Primary Care Services funded by the MBS


Vascular Clinical Committee

Wound Management Working Group

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Publication date:
Date last updated:
Health sector

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