Collection description
These Guiding Principles to Achieve Continuity in Medication Management (2022 Ed.) build on the 2005 edition of the guiding principles. They promote practice that keeps the individual receiving care at the centre of an integrated health system. They set a framework for providing comprehensive continuity of medication management for all individuals receiving care, and include actions to support vulnerable groups that use the healthcare system.
The key to safe and appropriate management of medicines, is a coordinated approach that supports and encourages continuity in all areas of the community and healthcare sector, while observing relevant state and territory legislation.
The Guiding Principles are intended to guide healthcare professionals and the individual, their carer and/or family in the quality use of medicines in the continuity of medication management. They offer a systems approach to the medication management pathway – that is, they advocate consistent and standard practice across all providers of healthcare services. The Guiding Principles are intended for use by all QUM partners, including government, healthcare professionals and providers, the individual, their carer and/or family.
The Guiding Principles will:
- Provide healthcare services with guidance for developing consistent standards of practice
- Provide a practical framework for approaching the medication management pathway across the continuum of care
- Assist healthcare service providers, healthcare professionals and the individual, their carer and/or family, to understand their responsibilities in the continuum of health care.
A list of the guiding principles and key tasks for the healthcare services and healthcare professionals to action are provided in the fact sheet
The Glossary for the Guiding Principles and User Guide contains terms, and if appropriate, definitions from external sources, that have been adapted to support and fit the context of the Guiding Principles documents.
Guiding principles
Fact sheets
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