Emergency Triage Education Kit

This Emergency Triage Education Kit (ETEK) is a teaching resource designed to provide a nationally consistent approach for nurses preparing for the triage role in Emergency Departments. The ETEK focuses on how to apply the Australasian Triage Scale and the skills that underpin this process.

Collection description

The Department of Health and Aged Care engaged the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care to revise and update the ETEK in consultation with stakeholders. 

The revised ETEK, published in 2024, includes content for learners and educators, comprising the following 10 chapters:

  • The triage role and the Australasian Triage Scale
  • Triage fundamentals
  • Communication for triage
  • Decision-making
  • Psychological distress and behavioural disturbance
  • Pregnancy
  • Paediatrics
  • Older people
  • Legal issues at triage
  • Triage Scenarios.

To access the ETEK, please visit the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care.

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Publication date:
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Health sector

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